Format problem of text file

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# 8  
Old 09-13-2009
This script is exactly doing the same as above scripts I posted. For example try to open the output of your script+Check.txt in wordpad and excel. Find this key AK026734
You will see the 6th column in excelfile looks like this 1,367,833 (wrong one) but in wordpad its look likes this

(Correct one).
I would like to see the same in excel file. That is my question.

I hope you got me right
# 9  
Old 09-13-2009
Sorry repinementer but this looks like an excel import problem. Can't help you as I don't have neither excel or wordpad at hand. Can't you choose the format for every column you import in excel? Hint: check your localisation in Windows before your import as thousand grouping character may play a role in your problem.
# 10  
Old 09-13-2009
Oh.Thanx anyways.
One more thing is it possible to get the out put like this (Every number with comma and space) after get ridding of commas

1367, 833, someothernumber

# 11  
Old 09-13-2009
sed 's/"\|,"//g;s/,/, /g' file

# 12  
Old 09-13-2009
Shocking. Now every thing working perfect. may be commas need space in excel.
Thanx alot ripat. really helpful
# 13  
Old 09-14-2009
Not sure if I got you right.
Is this what you are looking for:
sed 's/ ,/,/g; s/, /,/g; s/,$//' file

If not just post:
1. The input that you have.
2. The output that you are looking for.

Sorry, I did not realise that the issue has been resolved.
I did not see any delete option.
Please ignore this.
# 14  
Old 09-14-2009
But your script is not removing any commas

Last edited by repinementer; 09-14-2009 at 04:44 AM..
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