AWK statement formatting assistance

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# 1  
Old 08-27-2009
AWK statement formatting assistance

I am writing a script that ssh's out to our various servers and extracts diskspace info to generate into a report. With the mix of servers linux/solairs 8-10/AIX the easiest way is to use df -k (though I much rather prefer df -h).

I have pasted the relevant code:

dfdata=`ssh -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 rkruck@$host df -k `
           if (( $? == 0 ))
                echo "$dfdata" | \
                     grep "/dev/" | \
                     egrep ' 9[0-9]%| 100%' | \
                     awk '{printf "%-16s        %4s             %6.2f        %s\n"
, H, $5, $4/ 1024, $6}' H=$host  >> $RDIR/diskspace.$RDATE

I get the right output, but am having trouble formatting the 3rd colum lining up so it's right justfied with the 2 decimal places lining up so it looks like the following:

hostname1                      91%               1809.53            /u01
hostname2                      95%               1196.00            /u02
hostname3                      99%               209.20            /u04
hostname4                      97%               734.77             /u03
hostname5                      98%               448.74            /u08
hostname6                      94%               1214.33            /u07
hostname7                     100%               188.25            /u05
hostname8                      95%               1053.51            /u09
hostname9                      94%               4232.70            /d02
hostname10                     91%               6424.62            /d01
hostname11                     99%               24354.89            /ora05
hostname12                     90%               643.86            /home

Any help is appreicated.


Last edited by rkruck; 08-27-2009 at 05:53 PM.. Reason: fixed formatting from code tags
# 2  
Old 08-27-2009

In " %6.2f", six is the length of the field, including the . and the 2 decimal places, not the length of the whole number that precedes the decimal part.

Change it to 8.2.

Last edited by Scott; 08-27-2009 at 06:26 PM.. Reason: Changed something. Don't know what. All made sense when I wrote it! Changed it again, and now I've lost the plot.
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