Lipo doesn't work

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Lipo doesn't work
# 1  
Old 08-25-2009
Lipo doesn't work

Hi guys,
Am using lipo to merge ppc and i386 version of a static/dylib file based on "file type to load". I am working on Mac OS 10.5.6 and new to shell scripting. Please help me out.

This is my code.
echo "This file combine ppc and i386 file to form universal library"

echo "source Path: "
read path
echo "source Path1: "
read path1
echo "destination : "
read dest

echo "file type to load"
read exten

for iFile in `find $path -type f -name $exten`
    echo $iFile
    echo $iFile1
   lipo -create $iFile $iFile1 -output destFile

echo "***   Done   ***"

It's say lipo can't load the file in iFile. I am trying to run lipo command.
# 2  
Old 08-25-2009

Does the file in $iFile exist?

Your script will fail if any of the filenames contain spaces.

Is $exten a complete file name or an extension? Could it contain wildcards?

find $path -type f -name "*$exten" |
 while read iFile
    echo $iFile
    echo $iFile1
   lipo -create "$iFile" "$iFile1" -output destFile

# 3  
Old 08-26-2009
find $path -type f -name "*$exten" |
 while read iFile
    echo $iFile
    echo $iFile1
   lipo -create "$iFile" "$iFile1" -output "$destFile" # changed the last line

I figured out the problem in my script ,
It generated this path
which should have been

Thank you very much. I normally feed exten wildcards "*.a" or "*.dylib". I need to make checks for file existence.

Your script will fail if any of the filenames contain spaces.
I have faced that problem too. How should I handle white spaces in file paths?
# 4  
Old 08-26-2009
Originally Posted by vishwesh
Your script will fail if any of the filenames contain spaces.
I have faced that problem too. How should I handle white spaces in file paths?

Always quote variables.

Never use:
for file in $( some_command )

Always pipe the output of the command into a loop instead:
some_command |
 while read file
   : do whatever with "$file" (not $file)

# 5  
Old 08-27-2009
Thanks a lot.
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