Can you run a unix script from a perl program

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Can you run a unix script from a perl program
# 1  
Old 08-23-2009
Can you run a unix script from a perl program

Hi all
i have a unix script
i have a process whereby this script reformats a file before a perl program is used to update it
i am having a little problem automating the entire process . is there a way whereby i can call the unix script from the perl program ?
# 2  
Old 08-23-2009
Originally Posted by dwightja24
is there a way whereby i can call the unix script from the perl program ?
Yes, you can use backticks (accent-graves) to run a Unix script/command etc. just like you do in the Bash shell. Or you can use the system command.


perldoc -f system

# 3  
Old 08-23-2009
Just curious.

Are users dwightja and dwightja24 the same person?
# 4  
Old 08-23-2009
got confused with login names

yes i am

this is what i tried

the script takes two variables 1 input 2 output name

!/usr/bin/env perl

system(" CustomerData.txt tt.txt");

didnt work
# 5  
Old 08-23-2009
Originally Posted by dwightja
didnt work
If you ask me, this is the vaguest answer you could give - "didn't work". It's like saying "I tried to reach office on time today. Didn't work."

Well ?
- Did you not get up on time ?
- Did you miss your bus ?
- Did your car not start ?
- Did you get stuck in traffic ?
- Did you get a flat tire ?
- Did you meet with an accident ?
- Did your tie get stuck in the sliding office door ?
As you can see, with a vague statement like that, the possibilities are endless.

And pertaining to your script:
- Do you know how to run a perl program ?
- Do you know what that first line means ?
- Do you know what should be put in that first line ?
- Did you invoke the program correctly ?
- Did your program fail miserably ?
- Did you get an error message ?
- Were you able to run the program successfully, but did not get the results you expected ?
- Does that script work properly when invoked on the terminal prompt ?
- Did you capture and examine the exit status in the perl program ?
- Did you read the documentation of the system function in perldoc (the command that was posted earlier) ?

Again, the possibilities are endless.
And without a crystal ball with us to gaze at, we are at loss to figure out what happened in your computer.

# 6  
Old 08-23-2009
ksh: syntax error: `(' unexpected

all i had in the script is

!/usr/bin/env perl
system(" CustomerData.txt tt.txt");

tried running it from the propmt using . ./<program_name>
# 7  
Old 08-24-2009
Try replacing the first line with #!/usr/bin/perl
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