Insert blanks for missing fields and reformat to csv

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# 1  
Old 08-17-2009
[Bash] Insert blanks for missing fields and reorder

I am trying to process inventory addition files for insertion into a MySQL database. The format convention is book UIEE. If the field for the add file has no data, the field is NOT included in the upload file, so I need to add a blank/empty for any missing fields. The I need to create a csv or tsv file for the actual insertion. I have the main conversion part down, but I am having issues with inserting the blanks. I need to check if it is present first.

Here is the code I have so far:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a script to process incoming add files
# Find the file
file_name=`find . -name "*part*"`;
# Change file permissions
chmod 744 $file_name;
# Convert to Unix format and remove ^M char (change to fromdos on server)
`dos2unix $file_name`;
# Remove the top 5 lines if User is on the first, escape existing ";" 
# and insert a temp char set on blank line at end of each record
if grep "User" $file_name; then
    sed '1,5d' $file_name | sed -e 's/;/\\;/g' -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/^$/{}/g' > trimAdd;
else echo " ";
# Swap a ";" for Win carriage return and swap a newline at end of records for the temp char
tr '\012' ';' < trimAdd | sed 's/{};/\n/g' > swapAdd;
# check record for missing fields and insert blanks/NULLS where necessary

Here is a sample of the file I am processing (routinely contains 1200+ lines and yes the last line is empty:

TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1995 Jan/Feb
BD|Soft Cover
NT| 82 pgs; magazine format
SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20
JK|No Jacket

TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1992 Nov/Dec
BD|Soft Cover
NT| 82 pgs; magazine format
SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20
JK|No Jacket

TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1995 Mar/Apr
BD|Soft Cover
NT| 82 pgs; magazine format
SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20
JK|No Jacket

TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1993 Nov/Dec
BD|Soft Cover
NT| 82 pgs; magazine format
SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20
JK|No Jacket

TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1995 Jul/Aug
BD|Soft Cover
NT| 82 pgs; magazine format
SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20
JK|No Jacket

Any help, even it is to point into a better direction is greatly appreciated. I am not familiar with awk, but I do know sed.

---------- Post updated 08-17-09 at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous update was 08-16-09 at 10:34 PM ----------

Here is another failed attempt, but perhaps it will give a better idea of what I am trying to accomplish:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Find the file
file_name=`find . -name "*part*"`;
# Change file permissions
chmod 744 $file_name;
# Convert to Unix format and remove ^M char
`dos2unix $file_name`;
# Remove the top 5 lines if User is on the first, escape existing ";" 
# and insert a temp char set on blank line at end of each record
if grep "User" $file_name; then
    sed '1,5d' $file_name | sed -e 's/,/\\,/g' -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/^$/{}/g' > trimAdd;
else echo " ";
# Swap a ";" for Win carriage return and swap a newline at end of records for the temp char
tr '\012' ',' < trimAdd | sed 's/{},/\n/g' > swapAdd;
sed 's/.\*/UR\|.\*;TI\|.\*;PR\|.\*;AA\|.\*;BN\|.\*;BD\|.\*;NT\|.\*;CO\|.\*;LO\|.\*;PC\|.\*;SD\|.\*;CN\|.\*;CA\|.\*;MT\|.\*;PP\|.\*;DP\|.\*;KE\|.\*;JK\|.\*;SG\|.\*;S1\|.\*;ED\|.\*;PU\|.\*;XA\|.\*;XB\|.\*;XC\|.\*;XD\|.\*;/g' swapAdd > finAdd;

Again, any help, even if to only point out errors, might help me get past this sticking point.

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by LoveSquid; 08-17-2009 at 05:36 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-17-2009
it would help if you provided a desired output given a sample you provided with the detailed explanation.
# 3  
Old 08-17-2009
Thanks for the reply vgersh99, here is what I am looking for as the output:

UR|007815,TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1995 Jan/Feb,PR|17.50,,,BD|Soft Cover,NT| 82 pgs; magazine format,CO|1,,,SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20,,CA|Transportation,MT|Transportation,,DP|1995,,JK|No Jacket,,,,,XA|4,XB|1,XC|BO,XD|S
UR|007816,TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1992 Nov/Dec,PR|17.50,,,BD|Soft Cover,NT| 82 pgs; magazine format,CO|1,,,SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20,,CA|Transportation,MT|Transportation,,DP|1992,,JK|No Jacket,,,,,XA|4,XB|1,XC|BO,XD|S
UR|007817,TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1995 Mar/Apr,PR|17.50,,,BD|Soft Cover,NT| 82 pgs; magazine format,CO|1,,,SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20,,CA|Transportation,MT|Transportation,,DP|1995,,JK|No Jacket,,,,,XA|4,XB|1,XC|BO,XD|S
UR|007818,TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1993 Nov/Dec,PR|17.50,,,BD|Soft Cover,NT| 82 pgs; magazine format,CO|1,,,SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20,,CA|Transportation,MT|Transportation,,DP|1993,,JK|No Jacket,,,,,XA|4,XB|1,XC|BO,XD|S
UR|007819,TI|Vintage Motorsport : 1995 Jul/Aug,PR|17.50,,,BD|Soft Cover,NT| 82 pgs; magazine format,CO|1,,,SD|2009-08-06 14:04:20,,CA|Transportation,MT|Transportation,,DP|1995,,JK|No Jacket,,,,,XA|4,XB|1,XC|BO,XD|S

# 4  
Old 08-18-2009
Try this .. it's an awk program....

# set the record seperator to |

function clear_data()
# init data array to what to put if field has no data
        value["UR"] = ","
        value["TI"] = ","
        value["PR"] = ","
        value["BD"] = ","
        value["NT"] = ","
        value["CO"] = ","
        value["SD"] = ","
        value["CA"] = ","
        value["MT"] = ","
        value["DP"] = ","
        value["JK"] = ","
        value["XA"] = ","
        value["XB"] = ","
        value["XC"] = ","
        value["XD"] = " "

# skip the first five records
(FNR < 6) {

# process record
($1 == "UR") {
# clear the record data

#consume the record values
        while ($0 != "") {
                value[$1]=($1 != "XD" ? ($0 ",") : $0 )
                if( getline <= 0)
# print the new output
        printf("%s%s%s,,%s%s,,%s,%s,%s%s,,,%s%s%s%s%s\n",value["UR"],value["TI"],value["PR"],value["BD"], value["CO"],value["SD"], value["CA"],value["MT"], value["DP"], value["JK"], value["XA"], value["XB"], value["XC"], value["XD"])

Last edited by jp2542a; 08-18-2009 at 12:48 AM.. Reason: left debug statements in code
# 5  
Old 08-18-2009
Will this work for you?
grep '|' file_name | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's/,\(UR|[0-9]\{6\},TI\)/\n\1/g; s/,$//'

'UR|' will always be followed by 6 numbers and a comma.
If not reduce it as required.
You have not mentioned what part is constant.
# 6  
Old 08-18-2009

jp2542a: Thanks, I will give that a try this morning and see what results I get. I'm not familiar with awk, but plan to learn it so this may be an opportunity.

edidataguy: Thanks for pointing that out! The only constant is that all will begin with UR and all will end with XD and then an empty (after removal of ^M) line. This is obviously generated on a Win machine, buy I am working entirely on Linux desktop and a Linux server.

That said, it may help if I state that I will then use this to insert and delete records in a MySQL database and run as a cron job. Thanks for the help!

Last edited by LoveSquid; 08-18-2009 at 11:04 AM..
# 7  
Old 08-18-2009
nawk '
  FNR>1 {$3=$3 OFS OFS; $6=$6 OFS OFS;$7=$7 OFS;$9=$9 OFS;$10=$10 OFS;$11=$11 OFS OFS OFS OFS; print}' myFile

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