Verify input parameters

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# 1  
Old 08-12-2009
Verify input parameters

I have to write a script to verify input parameters;
say esr should be YES or NO other wise the script should print an error.
This is what i tried in my script but I get the following error
./[83]: [YES: not found.


if [$esr != "YES" || $esr != "NO"]; then
print " Error should specify esr options YES/NO"
esr =$esr

what am i doing wrong can anybody help me.

# 2  
Old 08-12-2009
Basic command line argument input is $1

case $1 in
  YES )
     do something ;;
  NO )
     do something else ;;
  * )
     let the user know they messed up the input ;;

For more advanced options try using the getopts function to seperate command line arguments.

Last edited by Padow; 08-12-2009 at 03:08 PM.. Reason: Changed misspelling of getopts
# 3  
Old 08-12-2009

th problme is in:

if [$esr != "YES" || $esr != "NO"];
you need 2space in blank: 1 after [ and the second before ]

if [ $esr != "YES" || $esr != "NO" ];

But you have other problem i f you want to use || the sintax correct is:

if [ $esr != "YES" ] || [ $esr != "NO" ];

other way

if [ $esr != "YES" -o $esr != "NO" ];
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