Issue with nohup command

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Issue with nohup command
# 8  
Old 08-06-2009
Thanks Corona688. I tested it your way and it is fine.

Thanks to everyone for your help.
# 9  
Old 08-06-2009
Originally Posted by scottn
Not sure I follow you.

The process on the remote server won't die if the server you started it from does.
It will because the TCP connection between it and the originating server will break. When it breaks, the commands still under its shells' control, i.e. not backgrounded, get killed. The ssh server does it.

So the purpose of the nohup call is to close off any way for the program to talk to the termnal(ssh waits for any process using the terminal to finish, backgrounded or not) so it can be backgrounded and left running when the ssh connection is closed early.

Last edited by Corona688; 08-06-2009 at 02:26 PM..
# 10  
Old 08-06-2009
I'm sure I've seen where this is not the case. Perhaps I was mistaken. In any case bash has a solution as you mentioned.

# 11  
Old 08-06-2009
I just did a brief experiment, opening two shell windows to a remote server. In one shell I logged in and did 'sleep 30000', which was pid 5391. In the other shell I did a loop watching /proc/5391 until it ceased to exist. Then I forced the first shell to terminate -- not a normal exit, a forced termination, which would break all connections without warning. pid 5391 was instantly killed when the connection broke. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself, maybe openssh behaves differently than whatever sshd you have.
# 12  
Old 08-09-2009
hi . I m new to unix UNIX. In our project we are also facing a similar type of problem

can anyone explain the folloing thing in the above command

does the server means IP address of the server ?
# 13  
Old 08-09-2009

It could mean either the IP address or the hostname.

(Corona688, you were spot on by the way ... I've no idea what I did there!)
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