Your original subject text was clearly a rule violation, but our moderators did not give you an infraction for that. They were kind to you.
Now I'm out. Do you mean my update was the reason = link to trap/kill ?
That is added after bhas85 edit the update message: add the ex. about signal list ??? I was unhappy that thead greater not tested 1st solution using every some signals like 1,2,3,9,15, ...
I read my answer again - there is so little mistake - I tried to ask from
bhas85 has he/she full tested the johnbach excellent answer. Did you test jonbach script = need edit. As you said, english is not my the best language. Did you test jonbach's script was that what I mean.
Or I have still big problem to understand your opinion. That is also possible.
---------- Post updated at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:11 PM ----------
Originally Posted by
No problem.
If you like to be sure that you can control process, then make it like 1st
johnbach solution has done - wait works in everycase. Make process which control your process. If process get ex. signal 9, you can't catch it yourself, but mother process can live with it = wait has done = so you can't restart yourself. But if you accept this then you can use trap as you have already done.