hi all please help me in this issue.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting hi all please help me in this issue.
# 8  
Old 08-05-2009
hi Kshji


I am very sorry for my misunderstanding of the code.Its because of my poor knowledge.Now I got the one from your precious code.But what I thought is. If i have a program and it is running.Different signals comes into picture.So i want to trap the signals form that program and some functioning for that particular signal.
The signals are,
This what I required.But i dont know to code these signlas to trap.Now i got the solution for this.If u have any valuable suggestion about the code please share with me.

I am very thankful for the answer you given, Its 100% helped me.

Once agian i am very sorry for mistake.


Last edited by bhas85; 08-05-2009 at 09:02 AM..
# 9  
Old 08-05-2009
Originally Posted by Neo
Your original subject text was clearly a rule violation, but our moderators did not give you an infraction for that. They were kind to you.
Now I'm out. Do you mean my update was the reason = link to trap/kill ?
That is added after bhas85 edit the update message: add the ex. about signal list ??? I was unhappy that thead greater not tested 1st solution using every some signals like 1,2,3,9,15, ...

I read my answer again - there is so little mistake - I tried to ask from bhas85 has he/she full tested the johnbach excellent answer. Did you test jonbach script = need edit. As you said, english is not my the best language. Did you test jonbach's script was that what I mean.

Or I have still big problem to understand your opinion. That is also possible.

---------- Post updated at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:11 PM ----------

Originally Posted by bhas85
No problem.

If you like to be sure that you can control process, then make it like 1st johnbach solution has done - wait works in everycase. Make process which control your process. If process get ex. signal 9, you can't catch it yourself, but mother process can live with it = wait has done = so you can't restart yourself. But if you accept this then you can use trap as you have already done.
# 10  
Old 08-05-2009
hi Kshji


I tested both of the valuable solutions which is given by you trap/signal and johnbach.The suggested solutions help me a lot in resolving my problem.
If i did any mistake in my posting please pardon me with your kind heart.But the solutions which you gave to me helped alot and made me to understand how to process the signals and to trap the signals.

Thank you very much once again,
# 11  
Old 08-05-2009

Thanks for the replies,

I think there is some confusion based on language and culture. I will review the thread and make adjustments.

Let's all be more patient with our non-native speaking members, who we have always welcomed.


---------- Post updated at 12:17 ---------- Previous update was at 11:38 ----------

Originally Posted by kshji
Or I have still big problem to understand your opinion. That is also possible.
OK, I was confused in my reply. My apologies. I see now you were not the original poster.

I also see that English is not your native language and you did not intend to insult another member.

Giving you the benefit of doubt, I will reverse your infraction.

Best of luck. (Thead closed)

Note to original poster bhas85: Please follow forum posting rules.
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