Help with txt formatting using AWK

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help with txt formatting using AWK
# 8  
Old 08-04-2009
Pls, go through this , as i am sure you will understand the usage.


# 9  
Old 08-05-2009
basically, i prefer to use Perl for this kind of issue. As perl has hash.

	my @tmp=split;
	push @{$hash{$tmp[0]}->{$tmp[1]}}, $tmp[2]."-".$tmp[3];
foreach my $key(keys %hash){
	print $key,"/";
	foreach my $k(keys %{$hash{$key}}){
		print $k,":", join ",", @{$hash{$key}->{$k}};
		print "/";
	print "\n\n";
L73-10 342 0 1480
L73-10 342 100 1480
L73-10 342 250 1656
L73-10 342 500 1746
L73-10 342 750 1910
L73-10 350 0 1480
L73-10 350 100 1480
L73-10 350 250 1656
L73-11 300 0 1480
L73-11 300 100 1480
L73-11 300 250 1656
L73-11 300 500 1746

# 10  
Old 08-06-2009
Cheers Panyam,
I have used the linked txt previously. Although it seems pretty comprehensive I have found it quite hard to learn from. Perhaps it just me, with no previous knowledge of scripts and little computer aptitude, but I find it much easier to learn from an example. Although the link gives examples I find them hard to follow. I think I can "read" your solution but I am confused. Am I right in thinking that if the record number is zero for column 1 or 2 then
{ a[$1]=a[$1]","$3"-"$4;t=$1;s=$2 }

applies or else
{ a[$1]=a[$1]"/"$2":"$3"-"$4;t=$1
;s=$2 }

This would not give the output it does though. Have I misunderstood the record number condition?

Thanks again!
# 11  
Old 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by eknryan
Cheers Panyam,
I have used the linked txt previously. Although it seems pretty comprehensive I have found it quite hard to learn from. Perhaps it just me, with no previous knowledge of scripts and little computer aptitude, but I find it much easier to learn from an example. Although the link gives examples I find them hard to follow. I think I can "read" your solution but I am confused. Am I right in thinking that if the record number is zero for column 1 or 2 then
{ a[$1]=a[$1]","$3"-"$4;t=$1;s=$2 }

applies or else
{ a[$1]=a[$1]"/"$2":"$3"-"$4;t=$1
;s=$2 }

This would not give the output it does though. Have I misunderstood the record number condition?

Thanks again!
I was checking first for current header is equal to previous header or not , then the else part is if not ( i mean a L73-10 / L73-11 )

a[$1]=a[$1]","$3"-"$4;t=$1;s=$2 is ..nothing but maintaining an array of elements for a header with same second element value.

in the else part
i am appending the elements if the second element is not matched ( of course for the same header).

I am bit poor in explaining the things Smilie
# 12  
Old 08-10-2009
Thanks Panyam. I think I get it but Ive tried to modify the script to add a further condition but seem to be getting nowhere. I am trying to output as previously however within each series of $1 and $2 values if
NR=i ; $4=v and NR=i+1 ; $4<v

then I do not want to print anything where NR>=i.

So if input was
L73-10 342 0 1480
L73-10 342 100 1480
L73-10 342 250 1656
L73-10 342 500 1500
L73-10 342 750 1910
L73-10 350 0 1480
L73-10 350 100 1480
L73-10 350 250 1656
L73-11 300 0 1480
L73-11 300 100 1480
L73-11 300 250 1656
L73-11 300 500 1546

Only a formatted version of the following would be output

L73-10 342 0 1480
L73-10 342 100 1480
L73-10 342 250 1656
L73-10 350 0 1480
L73-10 350 100 1480
L73-10 350 250 1656
L73-11 300 0 1480
L73-11 300 100 1480
L73-11 300 250 1656

Can anybody help me out?

Thanks again

---------- Post updated at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous update was at 06:28 AM ----------

I know this wont exclude all lines beyond a reversed $4 value but can anyone tell me what is wrong with this?

BEGIN { s=0;t=0;NR=i;vel=$4 } NR==FNR { if($2==s&&$1==t) { a[$1]=a[$1]","$3"-"$4;t=$1;s=$2 } else { a[$1]=a[$1]"/"$2":"$3"-"$4;t=$1;s=$2 }}
END {if(NR==i+1&&vel>$4) {for ( i in a ) { print i a[i]"/"} }}

Also, is there any way of adding standard $3 $4 values say $3=6000 and $4=4500 to the end of every unique $1$2 set?

I hope ive explained this reasonably. Im a geophysicist with no experience of programming. I seem to spend hours trying variation after variation of code and have been trawing and google but seem to get lost all too often. Any help really would be appreciated!

Last edited by eknryan; 08-10-2009 at 10:37 AM.. Reason: Poorly explained problem
# 13  
Old 08-11-2009
Further modifying my code a bit :
awk ' BEGIN { s=0;t=0;v=0;flag1=0;} NR==FNR { if($2==s&&$1==t) { if(v > $4) { flag1=1 } if (flag1 != 1) { v=$4;a[$1]=
a[$1]","$3"-"$4;t=$1;s=$2 } } else { a[$1]=a[$1]"/"$2":"$3"-"$4;t=$1
;s=$2;flag1=0;v=$4 } }
END { for ( i in a ) { print i a[i]"/"} }'  file_name.txt

Gives the solution.
# 14  
Old 08-11-2009
Thanks very much Panyam!! Ive further modified your code to add dummy values for $3 and $4. I can do something myself!!
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