sed replace multiple occurrences on the same line, but not all

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting sed replace multiple occurrences on the same line, but not all
# 8  
Old 08-04-2009
@ krkrishna.cse : sed could do but awk is better in this case:
awk '{print $2, $1}' yourfile

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sed(1B) 					     SunOS/BSD Compatibility Package Commands						   sed(1B)

sed - stream editor SYNOPSIS
sed [-n] [-e script] [-f sfilename] [filename]... DESCRIPTION
The sed utility copies the filenames (standard input default) to the standard output, edited according to a script of commands. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -n Suppresses the default output. -e script script is an edit command for sed. If there is just one -e option and no -f options, the -e flag may be omitted. -f sfilename Takes the script from sfilename. USAGE
sed Scripts sed scripts consist of editing commands, one per line, of the following form: [ address [, address ] ] function [ arguments ] In normal operation, sed cyclically copies a line of input into a pattern space (unless there is something left after a D command), sequen- tially applies all commands with addresses matching that pattern space until reaching the end of the script, copies the pattern space to the standard output (except under -n), and finally, deletes the pattern space. Some commands use a hold space to save all or part of the pattern space for subsequent retrieval. An address is either: o a decimal number linecount, which is cumulative across input files; o a $, which addresses the last input line; o or a context address, which is a /regular expression/ as described on the regexp(5) manual page, with the following exceptions: ?RE? In a context address, the construction ?regular expression?, where ? is any character, is identical to /regu- lar expression/. Note: in the context address xabcxdefx, the second x stands for itself, so that the regular expression is abcxdef. Matches a NEWLINE embedded in the pattern space. . Matches any character except the NEWLINE ending the pattern space. null A command line with no address selects every pattern space. address Selects each pattern space that matches. address1 ,address2 Selects the inclusive range from the first pattern space matching address1 to the first pattern space matching address2. Selects only one line if address1 is greater than or equal to address2. Comments If the first nonwhite character in a line is a `#' (pound sign), sed treats that line as a comment, and ignores it. If, however, the first such line is of the form: #n sed runs as if the -n flag were specified. Functions The maximum number of permissible addresses for each function is indicated in parentheses in the list below. An argument denoted text consists of one or more lines, all but the last of which end with to hide the NEWLINE. Backslashes in text are treated like backslashes in the replacement string of an s command, and may be used to protect initial SPACE and TAB characters against the stripping that is done on every script line. An argument denoted rfilename or wfilename must terminate the command line and must be preceded by exactly one SPACE. Each wfilename is created before processing begins. There can be at most 10 distinct wfilename arguments.(1)a Append: place text on the output before reading the next input line. text(2)b label Branch to the `:' command bearing the label. Branch to the end of the script if label is empty.(2)c Change: delete the pattern space. With 0 or 1 address or at the end of a 2 address range, place text on the output. Start text the next cycle.(2)d Delete the pattern space. Start the next cycle.(2)D Delete the initial segment of the pattern space through the first NEWLINE. Start the next cycle.(2)g Replace the contents of the pattern space by the contents of the hold space.(2)G Append the contents of the hold space to the pattern space.(2)h Replace the contents of the hold space by the contents of the pattern space.(2)H Append the contents of the pattern space to the hold space.(1)i Insert: place text on the standard output. text(2)l List the pattern space on the standard output in an unambiguous form. Non-printing characters are spelled in two digit ASCII and long lines are folded.(2)n Copy the pattern space to the standard output. Replace the pattern space with the next line of input.(2)N Append the next line of input to the pattern space with an embedded newline. (The current line number changes.) (2)p Print: copy the pattern space to the standard output.(2)P Copy the initial segment of the pattern space through the first NEWLINE to the standard output.(1)q Quit: branch to the end of the script. Do not start a new cycle.(2)r rfilename Read the contents of rfilename. Place them on the output before reading the next input line.(2)s/regular expression/replacement/flags Substitute the replacement string for instances of the regular expression in the pattern space. Any character may be used instead of `/'. For a fuller description see regexp(5). flags is zero or more of: n n= 1 - 512. Substitute for just the nth occurrence of the regularexpression. g Global: substitute for all nonoverlapping instances of the regular expression rather than just the first one. p Print the pattern space if a replacement was made. w wfilename Write: append the pattern space to wfilename if a replacement was made. (2t label Test: branch to the `:' command bearing the label if any substitutions have been made since the most recent read- ing of an input line or execution of a t. If label is empty, branch to the end of the script.(2)w wfilename Write: append the pattern space to wfilename.(2)x Exchange the contents of the pattern and hold spaces.(2)y/string1/string2/ Transform: replace all occurrences of characters in string1 with the corresponding character in string2. The lengths of string1 and string2 must be equal.(2)! function Do not: apply the function (or group, if function is `{') only to lines not selected by the address(es). (0): label This command does nothing. It bears a label for b and t commands to branch to. Note: The maximum length of label is seven characters.(1)= Place the current line number on the standard output as a line.(2){ Execute the following commands through a matching `}' only when the pattern space is selected. Commands are sepa- rated by `;'. (0) An empty command is ignored. Large Files See largefile(5) for the description of the behavior of sed when encountering files greater than or equal to 2 Gbyte (2**31 bytes). DIAGNOSTICS
Too many commands The command list contained more than 200 commands. Too much command text The command list was too big for sed to handle. Text in the a, c, and i commands, text read in by r commands, addresses, regular expressions and replacement strings in s commands, and translation tables in y commands all require sed to store data internally. Command line too long A command line was longer than 4000 characters. Too many line numbers More than 256 decimal number linecounts were specified as addresses in the command list. Too many files in w commands More than 10 different files were specified in w commands or w options for s commands in the command list. Too many labels More than 50 labels were specified in the command list. Unrecognized command A command was not one of the ones recognized by sed. Extra text at end of command A command had extra text after the end. Illegal line number An address was neither a decimal number linecount, a $, nor a context address. Space missing before filename There was no space between an r or w command, or the w option for a s command, and the filename specified for that command. Too many {'s There were more { than } in the list of commands to be executed. Too many }'s There were more } than { in the list of commands to be executed. No addresses allowed A command that takes no addresses had an address specified. Only one address allowed A command that takes one address had two addresses specified. "digit" out of range The number in a item in a regular expression or a replacement string in ans command was greater than 9. Bad number One of the endpoints in a range item in a regular expression (that is, an item of the form {n} or {n,m}) was not a number. Range endpoint too large One of the endpoints in a range item in a regular expression was greater than 255. More than 2 numbers given in { } More than two endpoints were given in a range expression. } expected after A appeared in a range expression and was not followed by a }. First number exceeds second in { } The first endpoint in a range expression was greater than the second. Illegal or missing delimiter The delimiter at the end of a regular expression was absent. ( ) imbalance There were more ( than ), or more ) than (, in a regular expression. [ ] imbalance There were more [ than ], or more ] than [, in a regular expression. First RE may not be null The first regular expression in an address or in a s command was null (empty). Ending delimiter missing on substitution The ending delimiter in a s command was absent. Ending delimiter missing on string The ending delimiter in a y command was absent. Transform strings not the same size The two strings in a y command were not the same size. Suffix too large - 512 max The suffix in a s command, specifying which occurrence of the regular expression should be replaced, was greater than 512. Label too long A label in a command was longer than 8 characters. Duplicate labels The same label was specified by more than one : command. File name too long The filename specified in a r or w command, or in the w option for a s command, was longer than 1024 characters. Output line too long An output line was longer than 4000 characters long. Too many appends or reads after line n More than 20 a or r commands were to be executed for line n. Hold space overflowed. More than 4000 characters were to be stored in the hold space. FILES
usr/ucb/sed BSD sed ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWscpu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
awk(1), grep(1), lex(1), attributes(5), largefile(5), regexp(5) BUGS
There is a combined limit of 200 -e and -f arguments. In addition, there are various internal size limits which, in rare cases, may over- flow. To overcome these limitations, either combine or break out scripts, or use a pipeline of sed commands. SunOS 5.10 28 Mar 1995 sed(1B)