mml scripts

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# 15  
Old 07-29-2009
Sounds like ksh doesn't have a path set to find What happens if you change to ksh or bash and give the full path to
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How To Run Mml Command From Unix Script

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Calling expect scripts from other expect scripts

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ADSL-START(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     ADSL-START(8)

adsl-start - Shell script to bring up a PPPoE link SYNOPSIS
adsl-start [config_file] adsl-start interface user [config_file] DESCRIPTION
adsl-start is a shell script which starts the Roaring Penguin user-space PPPoE client. If you omit config_file, the default file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 is used. If you supply interface and user, then they override the Ethernet interface and user- name settings in the configuration file. AUTHOR
adsl-start was written by David F. Skoll <>. The pppoe home page is SEE ALSO
pppoe(8), adsl-stop(8), adsl-connect(8), pppd(8), pppoe.conf(5), adsl-setup(8), adsl-status(8), pppoe-sniff(8), pppoe-relay(8), pppoe- server(8) 4th Berkeley Distribution 21 February 2000 ADSL-START(8)