Error while appending records to a file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Error while appending records to a file
# 8  
Old 07-24-2009
Executing the script continuously

I need to write a script that executes the already existing script continuously for 15 minutes.

i think that "while" loop is useful.

can anybody helps in this?

Thanks in advance
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CAP_MKDB(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       CAP_MKDB(1)

cap_mkdb -- create capability database SYNOPSIS
cap_mkdb [-v] [-f outfile] file1 [file2 ...] DESCRIPTION
Cap_mkdb builds a hashed database out of the getcap(3) logical database constructed by the concatenation of the specified files . The database is named by the basename of the first file argument and the string ``.db''. The getcap(3) routines can access the database in this form much more quickly than they can the original text file(s). The ``tc'' capabilities of the records are expanded before the record is stored into the database. The options as as follows: -f outfile Specify a different database basename. -v Print out the number of capability records in the database. FORMAT
Each record is stored in the database using two different types of keys. The first type is a key which consists of the first capability of the record (not including the trailing colon (``:'')) with a data field consisting of a special byte followed by the rest of the record. The special byte is either a 0 or 1, where a 0 means that the record is okay, and a 1 means that there was a ``tc'' capability in the record that couldn't be expanded. The second type is a key which consists of one of the names from the first capability of the record with a data field consisting a special byte followed by the the first capability of the record. The special byte is a 2. In normal operation names are looked up in the database, resulting in a key/data pair of the second type. The data field of this key/data pair is used to look up a key/data pair of the first type which has the real data associated with the name. RETURN VALUE
The cap_mkdb utility exits 0 on success and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
dbopen(3), getcap(3), termcap(5) BSD
June 2, 2019 BSD