FTP script error

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# 1  
Old 07-22-2009
FTP script error

This question has been answered many times. I tried to use some examples. Here is the error and cannot find the reason. Please help!

messages :
arcfile1.sh: line 55: syntax error: unexpected end of file Smilie

here is the script:
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
TIME=`date +%H%M%S` 
LOGFILE="process$(date '+%y%m%d')"
# Count files
ls -1 $mFile >> $LOGFILE.log
file_ctr=`egrep -cv '#|^$' /name1/name2/$LOGFILE.log` 
echo "$file_ctr"
echo "step1"
# User and host info
# Upload to ftp - ftp.log - all ftp messages 
echo "step2"
while read line
echo "step3"
#Start FTP session 
ftp -v -n $HOST > /name1/name2/name4/ftp.log <<EOF 
pass $PASSWD 
#change to the correct directory 
cd name11
cd name12

#change to binary transfer mode 
mput $line 
done </name1/name2/$LOGFILE.log
ftp_ctr=`cat /name1/name2/name4/ftp.log | grep 226 | wc -l`  
if [ "$ftp_ctr" = "$file_ctr" ]; then
echo "No Error"
echo "List of transferred files:" >> ./transfer.txt
echo "Error has occured"
echo "List of transferred files:" >> ./error.txt

Last edited by Lenora2009; 07-22-2009 at 05:17 PM.. Reason: code tags, PLEASE!
# 2  
Old 07-22-2009
The usual problems are:

1) Script file transferred from Windows platform without proper conversion of the line terminators.
Check with:
sed -n l script_filename

2) The line containing just "EOF" does not start in column one.
(Hard to tell because you have not used code tags).

3) Missing quotes ... like this line:

# 3  
Old 07-22-2009
I appreciate your quick response thank you , but

1. all files and the scrip are placed in UNIX folder

2. the ftp section works fine if it is not in ‘while do done’ loop

3. HOST ='host.com' is OK in the script..
# 4  
Old 07-22-2009
This is strange, but when I changed EOF to ! it worked!

(bearing in mind that I had to change some things to get it to run anyway).

Don't understand that!

Update: No. I'm talking rubbish! I must have changed something else. I'm on it! Smilie

---------- Post updated at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:55 PM ----------



You have a space after the closing EOF!
# 5  
Old 07-22-2009
Back to

sed -n l script_filename

There are spurious trailing space characters on many lines in the script (many of which do not matter). The one on the "EOF" line is causing the main problem.

Also are there two concurrent inward redirects?
# 6  
Old 07-22-2009
You mean one for the while loop and one for the ftp?

Then I suppose there is. But the ftp one is being fed by the garb between the EOF's, no?

I didn't test it to that level, but if that's a problem, it's nothing an exec couldn't fix.
# 7  
Old 07-22-2009
To keep the forums high quality for all users, please take the time to format your posts correctly.

First of all, use Code Tags when you post any code or data samples so others can easily read your code. You can easily do this by highlighting your code and then clicking on the # in the editing menu. (You can also type code tags [code] and [/code] by hand.)

Second, avoid adding color or different fonts and font size to your posts. Selective use of color to highlight a single word or phrase can be useful at times, but using color, in general, makes the forums harder to read, especially bright colors like red.

Third, be careful when you cut-and-paste, edit any odd characters and make sure all links are working property.

Thank You.

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