Need emergency boot floopy or 5.0.5 .iso file

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Operating Systems SCO Need emergency boot floopy or 5.0.5 .iso file
# 1  
Old 08-17-2013
Need emergency boot floopy or 5.0.5 .iso file

We have old SCO Openserver 5.0.5. and its was running out of disk space on root disk - error 142 /2. I tried to move some files to another partition with space, but I ran into issue as I moved /opt/K and /opt/P. Now when the servers boots it fails and goes into debug mode.

I don't have a recovery boot floppy nor the original CDs as we have not installed in many years. Can someone provide a emergency boot floppy or location to download .iso files so I can re-install. We are using Adaptec 2940UW controller with 9 GB hard disk and CDROM.

# 2  
Old 08-18-2013
Send me an email. I can provide you with a link to the iso.
/opt/K is the actual operating system files. /bin and /usr/bin and /etc are links to the actual files in /opt/K
You have moved the operating system from the root file system.
When you get the system running again, run the following:
#du -a |sort -r -n >/u/file.list assuming that your secondary file system is /u
then examine the contents of file.list.
It contains a list of all files and directories on the system in descending order by size. Size is shown in blocks, so multiply by 512 for bytes.
This User Gave Thanks to jgt For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-18-2013
thanks for the explanation on the OS directory. Here are the exact commands I used:

mv /opt/K/SKUNK99  /u
mv /psp.cpio /u
mv /opt/P/SKUNK99 /u/SKUNK99-1
mv /opt/P /u   
mv/opt/K /u

the system got hung on either /opt/P or /opt/K I did backup those folders via FTP first.

---------- Post updated at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:24 AM ----------

Right now the plan is to buy another SCSI hard disk. Install it in that same system. Then install 5.0.5 so I can create emergency boot floppy with a kernal that supports the Adaptec 2940UW controller. Then boot off this floppy with the original SCSI disk drive present. Then 'mv' the files back.

---------- Post updated at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:28 AM ----------

Another idea might be to just mount the old SCSI drive and 'mv' the files back and then shutdown, remove the new SCSI disk and put the old SCSI disk back at its original SCSI ID and boot up.

Is there anyway to skip making the emergency boot floppy? Such as boot of the 5.0.5 cd with Adaptec 2940 controller support and get to 'live cd' type functionality.

---------- Post updated at 10:36 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:35 AM ----------

Originally Posted by jgt
Send me an email. I can provide you with a link to the iso.
/opt/K is the actual operating system files. /bin and /usr/bin and /etc are links to the actual files in /opt/K
You have moved the operating system from the root file system.
When you get the system running again, run the following:
#du -a |sort -r -n >/u/file.list assuming that your secondary file system is /u
then examine the contents of file.list.
It contains a list of all files and directories on the system in descending order by size. Size is shown in blocks, so multiply by 512 for bytes.
Can you PM me as the system will not allow me to email/PM you due to post count.

Last edited by grips03; 08-18-2013 at 01:18 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 4  
Old 08-18-2013
Sent you an email. Once you receive it, edit your last post to remove it.
# 5  
Old 08-18-2013
Originally Posted by jgt
Sent you an email. Once you receive it, edit your last post to remove it.
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