I have recently installed MySql and I encourage an error.
I am using Fedora 15 and when I am trying to start mysqld service i am getting
the following error message:
If I try to start it from Service Configuration GUI it fails too.
Checking the system logs it just says:
If I try to type 'msql' from command line I am getting the following error
I have read about the /etc/my.cnf file and I tried to edit it somehow
but with no success.
My /etc/my.cnf contains the following:
Note that I have commented datadir and basedir. That's because I had the same mysqld problem yesterday and I found online that if I comment them it might work.And indeed the problem solved.
But later I tried to install moodle and I had to make some changes to the permission of some folders over /var/ directory. I had to play a little bit and in the end I manage to figure permissions in such a way that moodle was working. (Note that permission changes have been made after I managed to start mysqld successfully).
Today when I power my computer on and tried to restart httpd and mysqld, the latter one failed.
If I uncomment datadir and basedir mysqld still fails to start.
If I do 'ls -la /var/lib' I am getting the following about mysql:
If I do 'ls -la /var/lib/mysql' I am getting the contents of mysql:
I have noticed that if I do 'ls -la /tmp/' I can see the following about mysql.sock:
whereas I cannot find anything about mysql.sock on /var/lib/mysql
I tried to change socket to 'socket=/tmp/mysql.sock' in the my.cnf and
nothing changes.
I am not an expert user on linux. I hope the details I added above can
help you help me
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advace!
Last edited by Scott; 09-27-2011 at 12:17 PM..
Reason: Replace Quote tags with Code tags
Thank you for your answer. It seems that we have found something here.
This is the log of the last attempt to start mysqld service from
According to this the error is: unknown variable 'default-character-set=utf8'
If I comment that line from /etc/my.cnf file (on [mysqld]) then the log gives an unknown variable error again, but this time for default-collation=utf8_unicode_ci. If I comment both lines:
then mysqld starts successfully.
The thing is that moodle requires this two lines and I cannot comment them.
Any ideas of why I am getting the unknown variable problem ?
Last edited by Scott; 09-27-2011 at 12:19 PM..
Reason: Replace Quote tags with Code tags
The strange think is that when I was installing moodle I had to change the character set of mysql and according to a moodle documentation I had to add those lines in my.cnf:
So according to you now I should delete the first two and leave only the latter two.
Things look to work fine now. I hope I will not have any further problems which I cannot see now.
I am trying to start a server for a class I am in but... mysql won't start with this error ( ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) )
---------- Post updated at 03:51 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:50 PM ----------
... (2 Replies)
After doing a yum install mysql mysql-server on Fedora 14 I wasn't able to fully install the packages correctly. It installed MySQL 5.1. I was getting the following error when running the:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)... (3 Replies)
I have installed mysql in linux box as mysql-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6..
I would like to start the server. But there is no mysql file in this location /etc/init.d/
Please advice how to start the server now !!
Mani (5 Replies)
In Linux, I will do it by editing the /etc/rc.d/rc.local . However, I can't find a rc.local file in Opensolaris. So, how can I do it in Opensolaris? I am new to opensolaris, so please teach me step by step. Thanks in advance. (4 Replies)
I have an issue here with ldap client. It stoped and won't start.
What I have got:
sadm $ tail /var/adm/messages
Apr 16 09:17:24 hostname inetd: libsldap: Status: 2 Mesg: Unable to load configuration '/var/ldap/ldap_client_file' ('').
Apr 16 09:17:24 hostname inetd: libsldap: Status: 2 ... (3 Replies)
I have installed MySql version 5.0.67 in RedHat LINUX version 5. The installation completed successfully.
When I am trying to start the service an error occured the error shown below
".......Manager of pid-file quit without updating file"
Can anyone help me to fix the problem.... (4 Replies)
I recently installed mysql-standard-5.0.21-solaris9-sparc-64bit.pkg on a Solaris 9 machine (SunOS 5.9 Generic_118558-19 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250). The package installation went very smooth, however, starting mysql is a different story. I get the message below everytime I try to start mysql:
#... (2 Replies)
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Running the command xinit gives me the following errros
ioctl Bad file Number
1356- Unable to start the X server
I've checked the path variables, the monitor, the lai0... (0 Replies)
I installed mysql41 this is the end of the installation
but when I try to launch the mysqld daemon it write this:
note: LodelServoo is a CMS which need mysql
I verify that the dir mysql existed under /var/db, but it doesn't so naively I created it and launch again the mysqld... (4 Replies)