Need OpenLDAP Help

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Need OpenLDAP Help
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Old 08-05-2009
Need OpenLDAP Help

Hi, all:
I'm studying for the RHCE and have hit the section on configuring an OpenLDAP client. I'd like to practice this, but I can't get an OpenLDAP server set up. I followed the directions in RedHat's Deployment Guide, and it looks like the server is up and running, but I can't get the directory populated.

I try to do the initial population with the following (as root):


dn: dc=lohman,dc=home
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: Home

# ldapadd -xf ~/entry
adding new entry "dc=lohman,dc=home"
ldapadd: Invalid DN syntax (34)
additional info: invalid DN

My OpenLDAP server is hp01.lohman.home (using internal dns for my home network).

I also tried installing phpldapadmin, but for whatever reason, I can't log into that. When I installed it, the original ldap.conf that I placed the password into (per RH Deployment Guide instructions) turned up missing, and there appears to be a different ldap.conf file in its place.

Any ideas?

Last edited by rjlohman; 08-05-2009 at 03:40 PM.. Reason: further clarification of problem
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LDAP_PARSE_SORT-CONTROL(3)				     Library Functions Manual					LDAP_PARSE_SORT-CONTROL(3)

ldap_parse_sort_control - Decode the information returned from a search operation that used a server-side sort control LIBRARY
OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap) SYNOPSIS
#include <ldap.h> int ldap_parse_sort_control(ld, ctrls, returnCode, attribute) LDAP *ld; LDAPControl **ctrls; unsigned long *returnCode; char **attribute; DESCRIPTION
This function is used to parse the results returned in a search operation that uses a server-side sort control. It takes a null terminated array of LDAPControl structures usually obtained by a call to the ldap_parse_result function. A returncode which points to the sort control result code,and an array of LDAPControl structures that list the client controls to use with the search. The function also takes an out parameter attribute and if the sort operation fails, the server may return a string that indicates the first attribute in the sortKey list that caused the failure. If this parameter is NULL, no string is returned. If a string is returned, the mem- ory should be freed by calling the ldap_memfree function. NOTES
ldap_result(3), ldap_controls_free(3) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project <>. OpenLDAP Software is derived from Uni- versity of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2.4.28 2011/11/24 LDAP_PARSE_SORT-CONTROL(3)