10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Solaris
I am trying to setup a storage server with salvaged equipments:
QSSC-S4R server, with QLogic 2562 FC HBA's
Clariion KTN-STL4 4GB FC Enclosures
Disks Salvaged from EMC Vmax
Disks are 520B sector size so i converted to 512B in linux environment and create multipath successfully. But... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: amd103
4 Replies
2. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Currently I am using this laborious command
lvdisplay | awk '/LV Path/ {p=$3} /LV Name/ {n=$3} /VG Name/ {v=$3} /Block device/ {d=$3; sub(".*:", "/dev/dm-", d); printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n", p, "/dev/mapper/"v"-"n, d}'
Would like to know if there is any shorter method to get this mapping of... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: royalibrahim
2 Replies
3. Red Hat
I am testing on iSCSI + multipath, where i have one iSCSI lun assigned to one server.
mpatha (1IET 00010001) dm-2 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK
size=100M features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
| `- 2:0:0:1 sda 8:0 active ready running
`-+-... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: linux.amrit
6 Replies
4. Red Hat
How to find the raw device/multipath details of the LUN used by the diskgroups of the database.
file system type -- ASM
Oracle --
OS -- Linux
This is RAC database.
Maddy (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Maddy123
2 Replies
5. Red Hat
Good morning
Recently we needed to change the password from a redhat 6.5 system that no one knew the root password.
Starting the system with the init=/bin/bash method took us to the following scenario:
system_vg active with only root_lv and tmpfs mounted.
our entries at fstab are like... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Ikaro0
1 Replies
6. Red Hat
I have a server program that reads data coming in on USB ports. Device paths are in the format: /dev/ttyUSB0
Now, I would like to log data from another device coming in over Ethernet. My first step is trying to track down what the correct device path is which I am unsure of.
Anyone... (9 Replies)
Discussion started by: fedora18
9 Replies
7. Linux
my centOS newly installed system loading dmraid modules on startup
I did remove all LVM/raid things from system installation menus and after installation too but dmraid is still there
and he says: no raid disks found
also I did modprobe -r dm_raid45 and it do remove it but only until... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: tip78
7 Replies
8. Red Hat
I had a doubt regarding device mapper notations and their corresponding LVM volumes.
I have configured a volume group with two logical volumes in it as root and swap.
The entries in the /etc/fstab file show the dm notations namely,
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: kanna_geekworkz
2 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
how to undef a readonly parameter? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: tukuna82
2 Replies
10. HP-UX
# ioscan -f | grep disk
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
disk 3 0/0/2/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE TEAC DV-28E-N
disk 1 0/1/1/0.0.0 sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HP 146 GST3146707LC ... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: bluepluto
1 Replies