C/C++ IDE for FreeBSD

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# 1  
Old 11-12-2002
Question C/C++ IDE for FreeBSD

Hi folks

I'm looking for a easy-to-use C/C++ IDE to develop application for X-windows on FreeBSD (window manager is OpenBox, and I don't have KDE/Gnome installed)!
Is there a good programming IDE for this??
# 2  
Old 11-22-2002

it shoudln't matter wether you have KDE or GNOME installed as long as you have the libraries for whatever toolkit you use (the most common being QT and GTK+).

I personally prefer QT and the QTDesigner IDE

Here're a few links that might help you on the way:

QT http://www.trolltech.no/
GTK+ http://www.gtk.org/


Good luck Smilie
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