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# 1  
Old 08-07-2002
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I have meet a problem during complie under the sco unix 5.05 udk .the information show below:

cc -o stcom stcom.o stlib.o catchsin.o getlsd.o -L../../lib/sco -Ishm -Iipc -Isocket -Im
UX: Id :WNRNIGN:../../lib/sco/libshm.a(libshm.o):notice:internal conversion of COFF to ELF
UX:Id :ERROR:../../lib/sco/libshm.a(libshm.o): fatal error: cannot link openserver object inot iABI targer
*** ERROR code 1 (bu21)
UX:make :ERROR:fatal error

because it can be complied under the sco .3.0 5 ,
how can I deel with them ,help ,thank you .
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isdnbill(1)						       Linux System Commands						       isdnbill(1)

isdnbill - report isdn costs DESCRIPTION
isdnbill is a simple and imperfect utility to show the bill for ISDN calls. Note that it is only for indicative purposes! It works best in Germany, and even then there are no guarantees. Consider its use for educational purposes only... For better results, use isdnrep. OPTIONS
-V show version -a show all connections -e show incomplete calls -f recalculate costs _always_ -i show incoming calls -m prices without VAT -n do _not_ replace numbers with aliases -o show outgoing calls -t show only current connections -vn verbose level n -Nnnn show only calls with the specified number -I show only calls on the internal S0 bus -E show only calls on the external S0 bus FILES
/var/lib/isdn/calls or /var/lib/isdn/calls isdnlog log file with information about all calls. /etc/isdn/isdn.conf general configuration /etc/isdn/callerid.conf aliases for telephone numbers SEE ALSO
isdnlog(5) isdnlog(8) isdnrep(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Paul Slootman <>, for Debian GNU/Linux. ISDN 4 Linux 3.25 2003-10-14 isdnbill(1)