libsigc++ on hpux 11

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Old 08-06-2002
Question libsigc++ on hpux 11

Hello all,
Did anyone manage to compile and link successfully libsigc++ needed by gtkmm on HPUX (better using aCC because it's much more optimized for hpux but i have gcc there too)? I get some strange mistakes. All kinds of files no found, gcc complains that he can't use -c with -o like in
gcc -c test.c -o bla.o and finally when i managed to compile all of the files (except for the tests) the dar$ Smilie objects just won't link!

Please, if anyone has some experience with this, help.
Thanks in advance.
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which-pkg-broke(1)						  debian-goodies						which-pkg-broke(1)

which-pkg-broke - find which package might have broken another SYNOPSIS
which-pkg-broke package DESCRIPTION
The which-pkg-broke program will retrieve a list of the named package and all its dependencies sorted by the time they were installed on the system (as determined from the mtime information of /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list . This tool makes it possible for a system admin to obtain information that might correlate installation of package dependencies with a pack- age breakage in order to find which package update might be responsible for the breakage. EXAMPLES
This tool can be useful determine which package dependencies were upgraded more recently and might be associated with the bug that is being observed. For example, if aptitude stops working properly, an administrator can run: $ which-pkg-broke aptitude Package <libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.3> has no install time info libdb1-compat Fri Aug 8 03:02:11 2003 libsigc++-1.2-5c102 Fri Aug 8 05:15:58 2003 aptitude Sun Jan 11 17:38:06 2004 libncurses5 Sun Jan 18 08:11:05 2004 libc6 Thu Jan 22 07:55:10 2004 libgcc1 Tue Jan 27 07:37:22 2004 gcc-3.3-base Tue Jan 27 07:37:31 2004 libstdc++5 Tue Jan 27 07:37:32 2004 So depending on exactly when the misbehaviour started, there may be a reason to point the finger at a more-recently updated library like libstdc++ or libncurses, which are more-recently installed than aptitude itself. SEE ALSO
rc-alert(1) AUTHOR
which-pkg-broke was written by Bill Gribble <grib AT> This manual page was written by Javier Fernandez-Sanguino for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. debian-goodies July 24 2006 which-pkg-broke(1)