clearing breakpoints using dbx v 7.2.1

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Old 11-30-2007
clearing breakpoints using dbx v 7.2.1

Im unsure of how to clear break points using dbx v7.2.1

Ive tried using

delete linenumber of breakpoint

however this does not seem to work. Could anyone point me in the correct direction ?

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struct_kgdb_arch - Describe architecture specific values. SYNOPSIS
struct kgdb_arch { unsigned char gdb_bpt_instr[BREAK_INSTR_SIZE]; unsigned long flags; int (* set_breakpoint) (unsigned long, char *); int (* remove_breakpoint) (unsigned long, char *); int (* set_hw_breakpoint) (unsigned long, int, enum kgdb_bptype); int (* remove_hw_breakpoint) (unsigned long, int, enum kgdb_bptype); void (* remove_all_hw_break) (void); void (* correct_hw_break) (void); }; MEMBERS
gdb_bpt_instr[BREAK_INSTR_SIZE] The instruction to trigger a breakpoint. flags Flags for the breakpoint, currently just KGDB_HW_BREAKPOINT. set_breakpoint Allow an architecture to specify how to set a software breakpoint. remove_breakpoint Allow an architecture to specify how to remove a software breakpoint. set_hw_breakpoint Allow an architecture to specify how to set a hardware breakpoint. remove_hw_breakpoint Allow an architecture to specify how to remove a hardware breakpoint. remove_all_hw_break Allow an architecture to specify how to remove all hardware breakpoints. correct_hw_break Allow an architecture to specify how to correct the hardware debug registers. AUTHORS
Jason Wessel <> Author. Tom Rini <> Author. Amit S. Kale <> Author. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 2.6. July 2010 STRUCT KGDB_ARCH(9)