Location: Asia Pacific, Cyberspace, in the Dark Dystopia
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Note for AIS network engineers:
Here is a very small example of how poorly AIS NB-IoT performs on the East side of my building (pictured above), from my UDP server logs.
In my sketch, every time a UDP message is sent, the sequence number is incremented by one. On the UDP server side, it logs each time it receives a package, including the RSSI and Sequence #:
I find it interesting (but not very interesting) that AIS coverts the BC95 RSSI / CSQ of 99 (undetectable) to "N/A" in the AIS library, but it can still (sometimes) transmit / receive even at 99:
... anyway, I hope AIS network engineers find this helpful in their analysis of this area.
This issue only happens on the East side (city side) of this building, the West side (ocean facing side), does not experience this problem and no UDP messages are lost.
I'll leave this NB-IoT shield on the East side of the building for the next 24 hours, transmitting and receiving on the NB-IoT network, so AIS can troubleshoot their network:
Location: Asia Pacific, Cyberspace, in the Dark Dystopia
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Since writing AIS, I have not (yet_ received any support or assistance, either from the main call center or the direct email into the NB-IoT team.
I'm close to putting this AIS-NB-IoT project on the shelf (since it was only meant to be a "quick impression" test), and moving on to (1) the SIM5360E 3G Shield and a scheduled (2) LoRaWAN gateway test on Thursday.
My initial impression with AIS NB-IoT is that the service and network coverage is not ready for "serious" Arduino shield development; and so it is better to move on to LoRa testing and SIM5360E_3G testing.
NB-IoT (at least this in the context of these test results) can be summarized as a line-of-site, low data rate, low bandwidth messaging technology with spotty network coverage, at least the network I tested this past weekend.
It's time to move on to other tests and put the AIS NB-IoT shield on the shelf until the coverage and support improves, or I decide that LoRaWAN or the .SIM5360E_3G_Shield do not perform well, comparatively speaking.
This post describes a "work in progress" project I started today. Here is the High Level Overview:
Currently, this project sits on my desk as an Arduino UNO (on the bottom), an NB-IoT Shield (sandwiched in the middle), a Sensor Shield (on top) with a HM-10 BLE Module (in the little... (13 Replies)
Normally I have very good experiences buying from AliExpress, but in this case with Elecrow, I'm disappointed.
After confirming with Elecrow on AliExpress that their Elecrow GSM/GPRS/EDGE SIM5360E 3G Shield for Arduino would work with 3G SIM cards in Thailand, I purchased one. My plan was to... (1 Reply)
My favorite projects are always related to the "latest" tech in command and control, networking and network communications. This Elecrow GSM/GPRS/EDGE SIM5360E 3G Shield seems to be the "latest and the greatest" as far as 3G and GPS, as far as I can see so far, but I has it drawbacks for sure.... (6 Replies)
Just finished a quick Python script to send the current unix time over to the Arduino from macOS, so in the absence of GPS or some other way to get the unix timestamp (epoch time) to the Arduino, I can get my macOS and Arduino UNO synced to within a second.
Normally, when the Arduino starts... (9 Replies)
In my further exploration of Arduino, today I decided to install the arduino-cli on my mac today.
I followed the instructions for macOS but when I got to this part:
arduino-cli board list
I got the dreaded "Unknown" Fully Qualified Board Name... (1 Reply)
dear experts
i want to install java install shield on solaris
but first i want to read more information and help about it
can anyone gives me some links or guids that helps me (0 Replies)