I've got a program which runs fine under Linux, but I have compiled it to run under SunOS 5.8 in a Sparc computer, and now it sometimes fails with "bus error".
Ussing gdb I surfed to the error line, which is
where some_vector is a 16 byte struct (4 integers) Array, and the pointer is an IPC shared memory pointer shifted with some offset and casted to match that struct (the program saves files and info in a shared region).
I think this error is related to some alignment restriction or something like that, but, can it be due to another reason, such as acceding unexisting memory?
If it's an alignment problem, is there a simple way to solve it (adding some padding to the struct, etc...)?
Hi all,
I am writing a phonebook program to store names and number using a list. Here is the code for the function which allows the user to enter the name and number (where the error occurs).
void insert(void){
int... (5 Replies)
Hi, I am new to C++ and unix. I am trying to write a programm for inserting elements into a binary tree. To get the code flow I used few Couts and m facing buss error while insertion.
Below is the code snippet. explainations needed. thanks :)
#include <iostream.h>
struct mytree
int... (1 Reply)
Hi everyone,
I have a GUI project and when I run it and left in idle state for a long time(there is nothing done, just opened GUI, no more actions),I get bus error after trying to do anything with it.
I've tried to build it in debug mode and use gdb, but I don't get any error in debug mode.It... (3 Replies)
I am getting bus error when i include "#!/bin/ksh". If i remove interpreter then script is working. Can anyone explain this and how can i avoid this error?
Operating System is HP-UX B.11.23 U 9000/800 1091834454 (2 Replies)
Hi all,
I am quite weak in C but I need to get some work done. Hope someone can help me out. I keep getting this error when i try to run my C application in my HP-UX 10.20 machine.
Some code snippet:
Month(DBTime) =====This is a function which will return variable "CutOffTime" to be use... (5 Replies)
Hi all,
I am getting bus error problem in SunOS. Can you please help me out in this regard.
Actually, my entire code till the last line has been executed. But after tht i am getting a bus error. Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Charu. (4 Replies)
I am using HP-UX.
While i try to run the Sqlplus command using the shel script in encounter the following error:
<shell script name>: some number Bus Error(coredump)
What may be the reason behind this.
I read few previous threads in this forum where i found some similar case. There it was... (2 Replies)
aix 5.3 ML1
system was functioing well, when suddenly telnet session hung and then I got the following message "Bus error(coredump)"
would appreciate if anyone would assist as to what to do next. (3 Replies)
Hi there
I am running soalris 9 on a sun fire 480r and all of a sudden (today) whenever the users run the command `top` we get the following message `bus error`
does anybody have any information on what this is all about and whether there is a routine i can perform to gather more... (3 Replies)
This may belong in the C Programming forum, but here goes anyway...
What would cause a bus error? I searched google for a cause, but came up with some conflicting reports...
Could it be caused by disk space?
A lot of the pages I found mentioned linking with the incorrect versions of the... (4 Replies)