how to use function fork() in Windows NT

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# 1  
Old 10-11-2001
Question how to use function fork() in Windows NT


I need to make a gateway from Ethernet to RS-485. I am using stream socket, and I am programming in windows nt. I would like to know how could I use some functions from unix in windows nt. I would like to use the function fork(). Which library it uses and how can I get it? Can I substitute fork using CreateThread, or do I need to CreateProcess.

PS:I have to make a server that gets the data from ethernet port and write to Serial port. My server has to accept a lot of connection.

Please, could you help me.


# 2  
Old 10-15-2001
Sounds like you want to use P Threads... P thread is not supported in the NT Environment. You need to find the pthread libraries for WIN32. Web site is
There is a bunch of sample programs with it to help you out!!!
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