Hi bdyjm
OK, this is what I asume your trying to do:
You want to ftp to a computer running Windows 2000?
Well, what the OS that the remote host is runing isn't that important, but I guess you just wanted to give as much information about your situation as possible. Anyway...
To ftp to a remote system in unix you'd use the program "ftp".
Type "ftp" at the prompt. You'll then get a prompt looking like this:
Then type "o" now your given a new prompt that should look something like:
here you'll enter the IP or host of the computer that you want to reach (that is running an ftpd (ftp server)). After that your promtped for the login name and password. If the server is an anonymous one the simply type "anonymous" as the login name. After that use your email address as the password.
Here is an example:
[odinwolph@fox odinwolph]$ ftp
ftp> o
(to) ftp.freebsd.org
Connected to ftp.freebsd.org (
220 ftp.beastie.tdk.net FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready.
Name (ftp.freebsd.org
dinwolph): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
230- The FreeBSD mirror at Tele Danmark Internet.
230- Contact:
230- Use wisely.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
After that, you should be logged in. To get a file use "get file-name". If the file has spaces in it you would use "get some\ file\ name". If you will need more commands then these, then I sugest you use "help".
I hope this helps.