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Top Forums Programming EXPECT script HELP
# 1  
Old 10-03-2011


if {$argc <6} {
        puts "Usage: stp_priority <switch_ip> <ts_port> <stp_vlan> <port1> <port2>"
        } else {
                puts "Wrong number of arguments passed"

        set switch_ip [lindex $argv 0]
        set ts_port [lindex $argv 1]
        set stp_vlan [lindex $argv 2]
        set port1 [lindex $argv 3]
        set port2 [lindex $argv 4]

        if {$ts_port != ""} {
                spawn telnet $switch_ip $ts_port
                } else {
                spawn telnet $switch_ip

        set timeout 20
        expect_after {
                timeout {puts "TIMEOUT"; continue}
        send "iscli\r"
        set timeout 20
        expect_after {
                timeout {puts "TIMEOUT"; continue}
        send "admin\r"
        expect {
         "):" {
                exp_send "is\r"
         ">"  {
                exp_send "enable\r"
         "#"  {
                exp_send "conf t\r"
        expect "#"
        send "terminal-length 0\r"
        expect "#"
        while {1} {
                expect "#"
                send "sh mp cpu\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                send "sh mp memory\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                send "clear counters\r"
                expect -re ".*#"
                sleep 10
                expect "#"
                send "\r"
                expect "#"
                send "show interface port $port1 interface-rate\r"
                slsleep 30
                expect "#"
                set  buff $expect_out(buffer)
                puts "Buff: $buff"
                regexp {(UcastPkts:[\t ]+([0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+))} $buff match
                puts "$match"
                send "\r"
#               expect "#"
#               send "no spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan enable\r"
#               sleep 30
#               expect "#"
#               send "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
#               sleep 30
#               expect "#"
#               send "spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan enable\r"
#               sleep 30
#               expect "#"
#               send "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
#               sleep 30
        #       expect "#"
        #       send "no ip igmp enable\r"
        #       sleep 30
        #       expect "#"
        #       send "ip igmp enable\r"
        #       sleep 30
        #       expect "#"
        #       send "sh ip igmp groups\r"
        #       sleep 30
                expect "#"
                send "spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan bridge priority 64440\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                send "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                send "spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan bridge priority 4096\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                send "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                send "clear counters\r"
                expect -re ".*#"
                send "\r"
                expect "#"
                send "sh interface port $port1 interface-rate\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                set buff $expect_out(buffer)
                puts "Buff: $buff"
                regexp {(UcastPkts:[\t ]+([0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+))} $buff match
                puts "$match"
                send "\r"
                sleep 20
                expect eof
sleep 5
send "exit\r"
expect "(y/n)?"
send "y\r"
sleep 5

The following EXPECT script is giving me problems and only working for one Iteration. It is giving me the TIMEOUT message as soon as it executes the loop one time. My requirement is to allow the script to run for n number of loops.

Can anyone please suggest what mistake i am making?

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Video tutorial on how to use code tags in The UNIX and Linux Forums.

Last edited by radoulov; 10-03-2011 at 06:00 PM..
# 2  
Old 12-04-2011
Expect with function


Try below things.

#!/usr/local/bin/expect --
set timeout -1
if {$argc <6} {
        puts "Usage: stp_priority <switch_ip> <ts_port> <stp_vlan> <port1> <port2>"
        } else {
                puts "Wrong number of arguments passed"

        set switch_ip [lindex $argv 0]
        set ts_port [lindex $argv 1]
        set stp_vlan [lindex $argv 2]
        set port1 [lindex $argv 3]
        set port2 [lindex $argv 4]

proc gokcell { komut sonuc } {
 set i 0
while { $i == 0} {
   send -- $komut
   expect { 
         $sonuc { set i 1
        -re "Error*" {          
                set result $expect_out(buffer)
                puts "THE LINE IS $result"
                puts "THE COMMAND is $komut"
                gokcell $komut $sonuc

        if {$ts_port != ""} {
                spawn telnet $switch_ip $ts_port
                } else {
                spawn telnet $switch_ip
        expect_after {
                timeout {puts "TIMEOUT"; continue}
        gokcell "iscli\r"
        set timeout 20
        expect_after {
                timeout {puts "TIMEOUT"; continue}
        gokcell "admin\r"
        expect {
         "):" {
                exp_gokcell "is\r"
         ">"  {
                exp_gokcell "enable\r"
         "#"  {
                exp_gokcell "conf t\r"
        expect "#"
        gokcell "terminal-length 0\r"
        expect "#"
        while {1} {
                expect "#"
                gokcell "sh mp cpu\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                gokcell "sh mp memory\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                gokcell "clear counters\r"
                expect -re ".*#"
                sleep 10
                expect "#"
                gokcell "\r"
                expect "#"
                gokcell "show interface port $port1 interface-rate\r"
                slsleep 30
                expect "#"
                set  buff $expect_out(buffer)
                puts "Buff: $buff"
                regexp {(UcastPkts:[\t ]+([0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+))} $buff match
                puts "$match"
                gokcell "\r"
#               expect "#"
#               gokcell "no spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan enable\r"
#               sleep 30
#               expect "#"
#               gokcell "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
#               sleep 30
#               expect "#"
#               gokcell "spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan enable\r"
#               sleep 30
#               expect "#"
#               gokcell "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
#               sleep 30
        #       expect "#"
        #       gokcell "no ip igmp enable\r"
        #       sleep 30
        #       expect "#"
        #       gokcell "ip igmp enable\r"
        #       sleep 30
        #       expect "#"
        #       gokcell "sh ip igmp groups\r"
        #       sleep 30
                expect "#"
                gokcell "spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan bridge priority 64440\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                gokcell "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                gokcell "spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan bridge priority 4096\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                gokcell "sh spanning-tree stp $stp_vlan information\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                gokcell "clear counters\r"
                expect -re ".*#"
                gokcell "\r"
                expect "#"
                gokcell "sh interface port $port1 interface-rate\r"
                sleep 30
                expect "#"
                set buff $expect_out(buffer)
                puts "Buff: $buff"
                regexp {(UcastPkts:[\t ]+([0-9]+)[\t ]+([0-9]+))} $buff match
                puts "$match"
                gokcell "\r"
                sleep 20
                expect eof
sleep 5
gokcell "exit\r"
expect "(y/n)?"
gokcell "y\r"
sleep 5


Goksel Yangin
Computer Engineer

Last edited by DukeNuke2; 12-04-2011 at 05:23 AM..
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