Bandwidth monitoring using python

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# 1  
Old 08-30-2011
Bandwidth monitoring using python

I wish to develop an application to monitor the network traffic of my system.

I wish to know which computer networked to me is using most of the bandwidth. I know the basics of python but do not know how to start the work.. please suggest some good methods to follow.
# 2  
Old 09-01-2011
Well, looking for the input is first order of business, not a programming matter, more system sw for your flavor. If you have firewall sw, it may be logging all packets. Network sw might log all packet headers. What is your platform?
# 3  
Old 09-02-2011
ubuntu 10.10, 2.6.35-29-generic. Can such a method also be implemented to detect the network traffic through a router..

Also is it possible to read the header information of packets going to that system..

Last edited by coderhs; 09-03-2011 at 12:57 AM.. Reason: wanted to add another question to the pervious.
# 4  
Old 09-05-2011
If you are running on a router, there are ways to log all packets, or to be called for every packet, but often if they do not have a logging feature, you need to install a firewall just to do the logging. Now, remotely, on telnet accessible hard coded routers, not so easy.

If you get a product for snooping the net, it turns your lan card to promiscuous and you see all traffic on the local lan segment/collision domain. If you are on a switch, bridged cd or smart hub, it may mask packets from you.
# 5  
Old 09-06-2011
Perhaps I'm off topic. But did you check if such tool already exist? iftop comes for instance to my mind.

# 6  
Old 09-11-2011
I am a beginner in programming for network application, wish to learn how it can be achieved..

Thanks for the suggestion of iftop application..
# 7  
Old 09-11-2011
Alright, fair enough. This is IMHO a good project to start and learn.

It has been a long time I've done this, but unless my memory is defective, you'll definitely need to learn about libpcap. Since you're aiming at programming in python - which is too an excellent idea - you should consider pylibpcap or similar (google for libpcap python).

Just my 2c,
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