// we will be sending Javascript codes
header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
// select the timezone for your countdown
$timezone = trim($_GET['timezone']);
// Counting down to New Year's on 2020
$countdown_to = trim($_GET['countto']); // 24-Hour Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
// Getting the current time
$count_from = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // current time -- NO NEED TO CHANGE
// Date difference function. Will be using below
function datediff($interval, $datefrom, $dateto, $using_timestamps = false) {
$interval can be:
yyyy - Number of full years
q - Number of full quarters
m - Number of full months
y - Difference between day numbers
(eg 1st Jan 2004 is "1", the first day. 2nd Feb 2003 is "33". The datediff is "-32".)
d - Number of full days
w - Number of full weekdays
ww - Number of full weeks
h - Number of full hours
n - Number of full minutes
s - Number of full seconds (default)
if (!$using_timestamps) {
$datefrom = strtotime($datefrom, 0);
$dateto = strtotime($dateto, 0);
$difference = $dateto - $datefrom; // Difference in seconds
switch($interval) {
case 'yyyy': // Number of full years
$years_difference = floor($difference / 31536000);
if (mktime(date("H", $datefrom), date("i", $datefrom), date("s", $datefrom), date("n", $datefrom), date("j", $datefrom), date("Y", $datefrom)+$years_difference) > $dateto) {
if (mktime(date("H", $dateto), date("i", $dateto), date("s", $dateto), date("n", $dateto), date("j", $dateto), date("Y", $dateto)-($years_difference+1)) > $datefrom) {
$datediff = $years_difference;
case "q": // Number of full quarters
$quarters_difference = floor($difference / 8035200);
while (mktime(date("H", $datefrom), date("i", $datefrom), date("s", $datefrom), date("n", $datefrom)+($quarters_difference*3), date("j", $dateto), date("Y", $datefrom)) < $dateto) {
$datediff = $quarters_difference;
case "m": // Number of full months
$months_difference = floor($difference / 2678400);
while (mktime(date("H", $datefrom), date("i", $datefrom), date("s", $datefrom), date("n", $datefrom)+($months_difference), date("j", $dateto), date("Y", $datefrom)) < $dateto) {
$datediff = $months_difference;
case 'y': // Difference between day numbers
$datediff = date("z", $dateto) - date("z", $datefrom);
case "d": // Number of full days
$datediff = floor($difference / 86400);
case "w": // Number of full weekdays
$days_difference = floor($difference / 86400);
$weeks_difference = floor($days_difference / 7); // Complete weeks
$first_day = date("w", $datefrom);
$days_remainder = floor($days_difference % 7);
$odd_days = $first_day + $days_remainder; // Do we have a Saturday or Sunday in the remainder?
if ($odd_days > 7) { // Sunday
if ($odd_days > 6) { // Saturday
$datediff = ($weeks_difference * 5) + $days_remainder;
case "ww": // Number of full weeks
$datediff = floor($difference / 604800);
case "h": // Number of full hours
$datediff = floor($difference / 3600);
case "n": // Number of full minutes
$datediff = floor($difference / 60);
default: // Number of full seconds (default)
$datediff = $difference;
return $datediff;
// getting Date difference in SECONDS
$diff = datediff("s", $count_from, $countdown_to);
// Here's where the Javascript starts
countdown = <?=$diff?>;
// Converting date difference from seconds to actual time
function convert_to_time(secs)
secs = parseInt(secs);
hh = secs / 3600;
hh = parseInt(hh);
mmt = secs - (hh * 3600);
mm = mmt / 60;
mm = parseInt(mm);
ss = mmt - (mm * 60);
if (hh > 23)
dd = hh / 24;
dd = parseInt(dd);
hh = hh - (dd * 24);
} else { dd = 0; }
if (ss < 10) { ss = "0"+ss; }
if (mm < 10) { mm = "0"+mm; }
if (hh < 10) { hh = "0"+hh; }
if (dd == 0) { return (hh+":"+mm+":"+ss); }
else {
if (dd > 1) { return (dd+" days "+hh+":"+mm+":"+ss); }
else { return (dd+" day "+hh+":"+mm+":"+ss); }
// Our function that will do the actual countdown
function do_cd()
if (countdown < 0)
if(strtolower(trim($_GET['do'])) == 'r' )
// redirect web page
document.location.href = "<?=$_GET['data']?>";
<?php } ?>
if(strtolower(trim($_GET['do'])) == 't' )
// change text
document.getElementById('cd').innerHTML = "<?=$_GET['data']?>";
<?php } ?>
document.getElementById('cd').innerHTML = convert_to_time(countdown);
setTimeout('do_cd()', 1000);
countdown = countdown - 1;
document.write("<div id='cd'></div>\n");
<? exit(); ?>