Variable and function description

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Old 06-16-2011
Variable and function description

I have a C++ project and want to describe the variables and functions in the code.
A small example is shown below. I am wondering where to best describe the variables and functions. I have made a UML diagram in the beginning.

There are several options

1. In the UML diagram in the beginning.
2. Just after showing the UML diagram.
3. In the declaration of the variables and functions.
4. In the implementation for functions

Any suggestions please, as I'd like a coherent way of doing this, which will help the programmer use the class in the easiest way possible.

class Darwin
//    Genetic algorithm based on Darwinian evolution
//  +-Module---------------------------------------------------------+
//  |                             ObjFunc                            |
//  |-Attribute------------------------------------------------------|
//  |                                                                |
//  |  # _ <<const>> KPop: short = 10                                |
//  |  # _ <<const>> DefSel: short = 0                               |
//  |  # _ <<const>> DefBaseCO: short = 2                            |
//  |  # _ <<const>> DefCO: short = 3                                |
//  |  # _ <<const>> DefLambdaC: REAL = 1.0                          |
//  |  # _ <<const>> DefLambdaS: short = 0                           |
//  |  # _ <<const>> DefLambdaM: REAL = 0.1                          |
//  |                                                                |
//  |  # NPop: int                                                   |
//  |  # MaxIter: int                                                |
//  |  # Sel: short                                                  |
//  |  # LambdaS: short                                              |
//  |  # BaseCO: short                                               |
//  |  # CO: short                                                   |
//  |  # LambdaC: REAL                                               |
//  |  # LambdaM: REAL                                               |
//  |                                                                |
//  |-Operations-----------------------------------------------------|
//  |                                                                |
//  |  # <<const>> CrossOver(P1: const Model&, P2: const Model&,     |
//  |      C1: Model&, C2: Model&): void                             |
//  |  # Mutate(mod: Model&, mis: REAL&): void                       |
//  |  # SearchBest(): void                                          |
//  |  + Darwin(ObjFunc *base)                                       |
//  |  + SetStd(std: const bool): void                               |
//  |  + SetBaseCO(baseco: const short): void                        |
//  |  + SetNPop(npop: const int): void                              |
//  |  + SetMaxIter(maxiter: const int): void                        |
//  |  + SetElitism(elitism: const bool): void                       |
//  |                                                                |
//  +----------------------------------------------------------------+

//  DefSel      Sets the default selection method.
//  DefBaseCO   Sets the default chromosome representation.
//  DefLambdaC  Sets the default crossover probability.
//  DefCO       Sets the default crossover method.
//  DefLambdaS  Sets the selection probability.
//  DefLambdaM  Sets the default mutation probability.
//  DefElitism  Sets the default elitism flag.

//  RMS         RMS Misfit Value of the Population
//  Tol         Minimum tolerance.
//  MedVal      Medium value on population parameters

  int  NPop;                 // Number of individuals in the population
  int  MaxIter;              // Number of generation to perform
  short  Sel;
  short  LambdaS;
  short  BaseCO;
  short  CO;
  REAL  LambdaC;
  REAL  LambdaM;
  REAL  MedVal;
  REAL  Tol;
  bool  Std;                 // True for Standard Darwin, False for Genitor
  bool  Mini;                // True in Minimization, False in Maximization
  bool  Elitism;             // True if Elitism is to be performed
  Matrix<REAL>  Pop;         // Population of sound speed models
  Vector<REAL>  PopVal;      // Misfit value of each individual

#ifndef DARWIN_H
#define DARWIN_H

#include "dynstr.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "verbose.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "optimize.h"

// ******************************************************************
// ***** CLASS: Darwin **********************************************
// ******************************************************************

class Darwin : public Optimization {


  static const short  KPop = 10;          // Population factor
  static const short  DefSel = 0;
  static const short  DefBaseCO = 2;
  static const short  DefCO = 3;
  static const REAL  DefLambdaC = 1.0;
  static const short  DefLambdaS = 0;
  static const REAL  DefLambdaM = 0.1;
  static const REAL  KExpand = 1.5;
  static const bool  DefStd = false;
  static const bool  DefElitism = true;
  static const unsigned long BMax = 0xFFFFFFFF;

  int  NPop;                 // Number of individuals in the population
  int  MaxIter;              // Number of generation to perform
  short  Sel;
  short  LambdaS;
  short  BaseCO;
  short  CO;
  REAL  LambdaC;
  REAL  LambdaM;
  REAL  MedVal;
  REAL  Tol;
  bool  Std;                 // True for Standard Darwin, False for Genitor
  bool  Mini;                // True in Minimization, False in Maximization
  bool  Elitism;             // True if Elitism is to be performed
  Matrix<REAL>  Pop;         // Population of sound speed models
  Vector<REAL>  PopVal;      // Misfit value of each individual

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Creat Children by Combining Two Parents (CrossOver)
    const Model&  P1,
    const Model&  P2,
    Model&  C1,
    Model&  C2 ) const;

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Mutates an individual by altering one or more genes in a chromosome
    Model&  mod,
    REAL&  mis );

    const REAL&  value ) const;

    const REAL&  v ) const;


    const REAL&  v1,
    const REAL&  v2 ) const;

    REAL  dm ) const;

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Population Statistics at each Generation


  // Initialization List
  Darwin(ObjFunc *base) :
      Optimization(base) {

      NPop = KPop * NPar;         // Sets the population size.


  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set whether to use a Standard Darwin or a Genitor Genetic Algorithm
    const bool  std );

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the Chromosome Representation (2 for binary coding)
    const short  baseco );

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the number of individuals (Population of sound speed models)
    const int  npop );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the maximum number of generations
    const int  maxiter );

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // True if Elitism is allowed. Select an individual with a bias towards
  // the better chromosomes.
    const bool  elitism );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the parent selection method (Random or Roulette)
    const short  sel );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the selection probability (Choose a chromosome from the current
  // generation's population for inclusion in the next generation's population.
    const short  lambdas );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the Crossover Method to Use
    const short  co );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the Crossover Probability
    const REAL  lambdac );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the mutation probability (an arbitrary bit is changed)
    const REAL  lambdam );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Set the Minimum Tolerance
    const REAL  tol );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Performs minimization using a genetic algorithm
    const Verbose  Vrb );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Performs maximization using a genetic algorithm
    const Verbose  Vrb );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Performs a Darwinian genetic algorithm (standard)
    const Verbose  Vrb );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Performs a Genitor genetic algorithm
    const Verbose  Vrb );

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Saves the current population models and fitness values in a backup file
  Backup() const;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Restores population models and misfit values by reading a backup file
    istream&  is );


// ***********************************************************************
// Implementation: Darwin
// ***********************************************************************

// Public Member Functions

  const bool  std ) {

  Std = std;



  const short  sel ) {

  Sel = sel;


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