CWDREG(1) General Commands Manual CWDREG(1) NAME
cwdreg - To register characters/words into the binary format dictionary. SYNOPSIS
cwdreg [-D server ] -n envname -d dicno < textdic OR cwdreg [-D server ] -n envname -L filename < textdic DEFAULT PATH
/usr/local/bin/cWnn4/cwdreg DESCRIPTION
This function allows user to register characters/words into the specified binary dictionary, with either dictionary number dicno or dictio- nary filename filename specified. server is the machine name of the server. If this is not specified, the default cserver indicated by the environment variable CSERVER will be taken. "-n envname " must be specified. envname is the environment name. You may execute "cwnnstat -E" to see the current environment name. Either "-d dicno " or "-L filename " must be specified. dicno is the dictionary number. filename is the filename of the dictionary. "-L" is used for when the dictionary is from the local machine. "<" means to pipe the textdic as an input to "cwdreg" command. textdic is the text file which user enters the characters/words to be registered. The format of this text file must be the same as that in the system text format dictionary. That is, -------------------------------------------------- | Pinyin Word Cixing Frequency | | : : : : | -------------------------------------------------- Refer to cWnn manual for details on dictionary. By using "cwdreg", all the characters/words in textdic will be registered into the specified binary dictionary permanently. NOTE
1. The parts in [ ] are options. They may be omitted. 13 May 1992 CWDREG(1)