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fattach(3C) Standard C Library Functions fattach(3C)NAMEfattach - attach a STREAMS- or doors-based file descriptor to an object in the file system name spaceSYNOPSIS#include <stropts.h> int fattach(int fildes, const char *path);DESCRIPTIONThe fattach() function attaches a STREAMS- or doors-based file descriptor to an object in the file system name space, effectively associat- ing a name with fildes. The fildes argument must be a valid open file descriptor representing a STREAMS or doors file. The path argument is a path name of an existing object and the user must have appropriate privileges or be the owner of the file and have write permissions. All subsequent operations on path will operate on the STREAMS or doors file until the STREAMS or doors file is detached from the node. The fildes argument can be attached to more than one path, that is, a stream or door can have several names associated with it. The attributes of the named stream or door (see stat(2)), are initialized as follows: the permissions, user ID, group ID, and times are set to those of path, the number of links is set to 1, and the size and device identifier are set to those of the streams or doors device asso- ciated with fildes. If any attributes of the named stream or door are subsequently changed (for example, chmod(2)), the attributes of the underlying object are not affected.RETURN VALUESUpon successful completion, fattach() returns 0. Otherwise it returns -1 and sets errno to indicate an error.ERRORSThe fattach() function will fail if: EACCES The user is the owner of path but does not have write permissions on path or fildes is locked. EBADF The fildes argument is not a valid open file descriptor. EBUSY The path argument is currently a mount point or has a STREAMS or doors file descriptor attached to it. EINVAL The path argument is a file in a remotely mounted directory. EINVAL The fildes argument does not represent a STREAMS or doors file. ELOOP Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating path. ENAMETOOLONG The size of path exceeds {PATH_MAX}, or the component of a path name is longer than {NAME_MAX} while {_POSIX_NO_TRUNC} is in effect. ENOENT The path argument does not exist. ENOTDIR A component of a path prefix is not a directory. EPERM The effective user ID is not the owner of path or a user with the appropriate privileges.ATTRIBUTESSee attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+SEE ALSOfdetach(1M), chmod(2), mount(2), stat(2), door_create(3C), fdetach(3C), isastream(3C), attributes(5), standards(5), streamio(7I) STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.11 24 Jul 2002 fattach(3C)