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fastautils(1) FASTA format file manipulation utilities fastautils(1)NAMEfastautils - FASTA format file manipulation utilitiesSYNOPSISfastachecksum [ options ] <input file> fastaclean fastaclip fastacomposition fastadiff fastaexplode fastafetch fastahardmask fastaindex fastalength fastanrdb fastaoverlap fastareformat fastaremove fastarevcomp fastasoftmask fastasort fastasplit fastasubseq fastatranslate fastavalidcdsDESCRIPTIONThese are utilities for the manipulation of FASTA format sequence databases which are distributed with the exonerate sequence alignment program.ENVIRONMENTNot documented yet.EXAMPLESfastalength sequence.fasta blah blahVERSIONThis documentation accompanies version 2.2.0 of the exonerate package.AUTHORGuy St.C. Slater. <guy@ebi.ac.uk>. See the AUTHORS file accompanying the source code for a list of contributors.AVAILABILITYThis source code for the exonerate package is available under the terms of the GNU general public licence. Please see the file COPYING which was distrubuted with this package, or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for details. This package has been developed as part of the ensembl project. Please see http://www.ensembl.org/ for more information.SEE ALSOexonerate(1),e-PCR fastautils March 2003 fastautils(1)