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kstat_delete(9f) [sunos man page]

kstat_delete(9F)					   Kernel Functions for Drivers 					  kstat_delete(9F)

kstat_delete - remove a kstat from the system SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/kstat.h> void kstat_delete(kstat_t *ksp); INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI) PARAMETERS
ksp Pointer to a currently installed kstat(9S) structure. DESCRIPTION
kstat_delete() removes ksp from the kstat chain and frees all associated system resources. RETURN VALUES
kstat_delete() can be called from any context. SEE ALSO
kstat_create(9F), kstat_install(9F), kstat_named_init(9F), kstat(9S) Writing Device Drivers NOTES
When calling kstat_delete(), the driver must not be holding that kstat's ks_lock. Otherwise, it may deadlock with a kstat reader. SunOS 5.10 4 Apr 1994 kstat_delete(9F)

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kstat_create(9F)					   Kernel Functions for Drivers 					  kstat_create(9F)

kstat_create - create and initialize a new kstat SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/kstat.h> kstat_t *kstat_create(const char *ks_module, int ks_instance, const char *ks_name, const char *ks_class, uchar_t ks_type, ulong_t ks_ndata, uchar_t ks_flag); INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI) PARAMETERS
ks_module The name of the provider's module (such as "sd", "esp", ...). The "core" kernel uses the name "unix". ks_instance The provider's instance number, as from ddi_get_instance(9F). Modules which do not have a meaningful instance number should use 0. ks_name A pointer to a string that uniquely identifies this structure. Only KSTAT_STRLEN - 1 characters are significant. ks_class The general class that this kstat belongs to. The following classes are currently in use: disk, tape, net, controller, vm, kvm, hat, streams, kstat, and misc. ks_type The type of kstat to allocate. Valid types are: KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED Allows more than one data record per kstat. KSTAT_TYPE_INTR Interrupt; only one data record per kstat. KSTAT_TYPE_IO I/O; only one data record per kstat ks_ndata The number of type-specific data records to allocate. ks_flag A bit-field of various flags for this kstat. ks_flag is some combination of: KSTAT_FLAG_VIRTUAL Tells kstat_create() not to allocate memory for the kstat data section; instead, the driver will set the ks_data field to point to the data it wishes to export. This provides a convenient way to export existing data structures. KSTAT_FLAG_WRITABLE Makes the kstat data section writable by root. KSTAT_FLAG_PERSISTENT Indicates that this kstat is to be persistent over time. For persistent kstats, kstat_delete(9F) simply marks the kstat as dormant; a subsequent kstat_create() reactivates the kstat. This feature is provided so that statistics are not lost across driver close/open (such as raw disk I/O on a disk with no mounted partitions.) Note: Persistent kstats cannot be virtual, since ks_data points to garbage as soon as the driver goes away. DESCRIPTION
kstat_create() is used in conjunction with kstat_install(9F) to allocate and initialize a kstat(9S) structure. The method is generally as follows: kstat_create() allocates and performs necessary system initialization of a kstat(9S) structure. kstat_create() allocates memory for the entire kstat (header plus data), initializes all header fields, initializes the data section to all zeroes, assigns a unique kstat ID (KID), and puts the kstat onto the system's kstat chain. The returned kstat is marked invalid because the provider (caller) has not yet had a chance to initialize the data section. After a successful call to kstat_create() the driver must perform any necessary initialization of the data section (such as setting the name fields in a kstat of type KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED). Virtual kstats must have the ks_data field set at this time. The provider may also set the ks_update, ks_private, and ks_lock fields if necessary. Once the kstat is completely initialized, kstat_install(9F) is used to make the kstat accessible to the outside world. RETURN VALUES
If successful, kstat_create() returns a pointer to the allocated kstat. NULL is returned upon failure. CONTEXT
kstat_create() can be called from user or kernel context. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Allocating and Initializing a kstat Structure pkstat_t *ksp; ksp = kstat_create(module, instance, name, class, type, ndata, flags); if (ksp) { /* ... provider initialization, if necessary */ kstat_install(ksp); } SEE ALSO
kstat(3KSTAT), ddi_get_instance(9F), kstat_delete(9F), kstat_install(9F), kstat_named_init(9F), kstat(9S), kstat_named(9S) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.11 13 Nov 2006 kstat_create(9F)
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