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wsreg_set_version(3wsreg) [sunos man page]

wsreg_set_version(3WSREG)			    Product Install Registry Library Functions				 wsreg_set_version(3WSREG)

wsreg_set_version, wsreg_get_version - set or get the version of a component SYNOPSIS
cc [flag ...] file ...-lwsreg [library ...] #include <wsreg.h> int wsreg_set_version(Wsreg_component *comp, const char *version); char *wsreg_get_version(const Wsreg_component *comp); DESCRIPTION
The wsreg_set_version() function sets the version specified by version in the component specified by comp. The version argument is a string that represents the version of the component. Every component must have a version before being registered. If a version has already been set in the specified component, the resources associated with the previously set version are released. The wsreg_get_version() function gets the version string from the component specified by comp. The resulting string must be released by the caller. RETURN VALUES
The wsreg_set_version() function returns a non-zero value if the version was set correctly; otherwise it returns 0. The wsreg_get_version() function returns a copy of the version from the specified component. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
wsreg_initialize(3WSREG), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 22 Sep 2000 wsreg_set_version(3WSREG)

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wsreg_add_compatible_version(3WSREG)		    Product Install Registry Library Functions		      wsreg_add_compatible_version(3WSREG)

wsreg_add_compatible_version, wsreg_remove_compatible_version, wsreg_get_compatible_versions - add or remove a backward-compatible version SYNOPSIS
cc [flag ...] file ...-lwsreg [library ...] #include <wsreg.h> int wsreg_add_compatible_version(Wsreg_component *comp, const char *version); int wsreg_remove_compatible_version(Wsreg_component *comp, const char *version); char **wsreg_get_compatible_versions(const Wsreg_component *comp); DESCRIPTION
The wsreg_add_compatible_version() function adds the version string specified by version to the list of backward-compatible versions con- tained in the component specified by comp. The wsreg_remove_compatible_version() function removes the version string specified by version from the list of backward-compatible ver- sions contained in the component specified by comp. The wsreg_get_compatible_versions() function returns the list of backward-compatible versions contained in the component specified by comp. RETURN VALUES
The wsreg_add_compatible_version() function returns a non-zero value if the specified backward-compatible version was successfully added; otherwise, 0 is returned. The wsreg_remove_compatible_version() function returns a non-zero value if the specified backward-compatible version was successfully removed; otherwise, 0 is returned. The wsreg_get_compatible_versions() function returns a null-terminated array of char pointers that represents the specified component's list of backward-compatible versions. If the specified component has no such versions, NULL is returned. The resulting array and its con- tents must be released by the caller. USAGE
The list of backward compatible versions is used to allow components that are used by multiple products to upgrade successfully without compromising any of its dependent products. The installer that installs such an update can check the list of backward-compatible versions and look at what versions are required by all of the dependent components to ensure that the upgrade will not result in a broken product. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
prodreg(1M), wsreg_initialize(3WSREG), wsreg_register(3WSREG), wsreg_set_version(3WSREG), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 22 Sep 2000 wsreg_add_compatible_version(3WSREG)
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