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mesg(1) [sunos man page]

mesg(1) 							   User Commands							   mesg(1)

mesg - permit or deny messages SYNOPSIS
mesg [-n | -y | n | y] DESCRIPTION
The mesg utility will control whether other users are allowed to send messages via write(1), talk(1), or other utilities to a terminal device. The terminal device affected is determined by searching for the first terminal in the sequence of devices associated with standard input, standard output, and standard error, respectively. With no arguments, mesg reports the current state without changing it. Processes with appropriate privileges may be able to send messages to the terminal independent of the current state. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -n|n Denies permission to other users to send message to the terminal. See write(1). -y|y Grants permission to other users to send messages to the terminal. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of mesg: LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MES- SAGES, and NLSPATH. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 if messages are receivable. 1 if messages are not receivable. 2 on error. FILES
/dev/tty* terminal devices /dev/pts/* terminal devices ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
talk(1), write(1), attributes(5), environ(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 31 Oct 1997 mesg(1)

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tty(1)								   User Commands							    tty(1)

tty - return user's terminal name SYNOPSIS
tty [-l] [-s] DESCRIPTION
The tty utility writes to the standard output the name of the terminal that is open as standard input. The name that is used is equivalent to the string that would be returned by the ttyname(3C) function. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -l Prints the synchronous line number to which the user's terminal is connected, if it is on an active synchronous line. -s Inhibits printing of the terminal path name, allowing one to test just the exit status. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of tty: LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MES- SAGES, and NLSPATH. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Standard input is a terminal. 1 Standard input is not a terminal. >1 An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |CSI |enabled | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
isatty(3C), ttyname(3C), attributes(5), environ(5), standards(5) DIAGNOSTICS
not on an active synchronous line The standard input is not a synchronous terminal and -l is specified. not a tty The standard input is not a terminal and -s is not specified. NOTES
The -s option is useful only if the exit status is wanted. It does not rely on the ability to form a valid path name. Portable applications should use test -t. SunOS 5.10 1 Feb 1995 tty(1)
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