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dummy_cs(4) [redhat man page]

DUMMY_CS(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual						       DUMMY_CS(4)

dummy_cs - PCMCIA dummy device driver SYNOPSIS
insmod dummy_cs.o [pc_debug=n] [free_ports=n] [irq_list=i,j,...] DESCRIPTION
The dummy_cs module has two purposes. It is intended as a demonstration of how to write the PCMCIA interface code for a client driver, and the source code is heavily commented. It is also written to function as a sort of generic ``point enabler'': when bound to any PCMCIA IO card, it will read the card's Configuration Information Structure, and configure the card appropriately. The configuration includes set- ting up IO and memory windows, configuring the card for interrupts, and initializing the card's PCMCIA configuration registers. It turns out that many cards report incomplete or inaccurate configuration information, due to vendor carelessness and the complexity of the data format. A vendor driver can generally take for granted many configuration details, so there is not much incentive for vendors to ensure that the on-card information is complete. Thus, the dummy_cs module is limited by its generality: since it makes no assumptions about card types, it is forced to rely on the card information, for better or worse. PARAMETERS
pc_debug=n Selects the PCMCIA debugging level. This parameter is only available if the module is compiled with debugging enabled. A non-zero value enables debugging. free_ports=n A flag indicating if the IO ports allocated for the card should be freed from the kernel resource maps. This is useful if the dummy driver is being used to configure a card in preparation for loading a specific PCMCIA-unaware driver. The default is 0 (false). irq_list=i,j,... Specifies the set of interrupts that may be allocated by this driver. AUTHOR
David Hinds - SEE ALSO
cardmgr(8), pcmcia(5). pcmcia-cs 2000/06/12 21:24:47 DUMMY_CS(4)

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TCIC(4) 						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							   TCIC(4)

tcic - Databook TCIC-2 PCMCIA controller driver SYNOPSIS
insmod tcic.o [pc_debug=n] [tcic_base=n] [ignore=n] [do_scan=n] [irq_list=i,j,...] [cs_irq=n] [poll_interval=n] [poll_quick=n] [cycle_time=n] DESCRIPTION
This is the low-level driver for the Databook TCIC-2 PCMCIA host controller family. It is used by Card Services for programming the TCIC-2 chip, and for monitoring card status change events. PARAMETERS
pc_debug=n Selects the PCMCIA debugging level. This parameter is only available if the module is compiled with debugging enabled. A non-zero value enables debugging. tcic_base=n Sets the base I/O port address of the TCIC-2 chip. The default is 0x240. ignore=n Causes the driver to ignore a single socket. Sockets are numbered starting at 0. The socket will be left in whatever state it was already in, so it can be used for cards with point enablers that do not cooperate with Card Services. do_scan=n This flag specifies that all free interrupts should be tested to see if they can be triggered by the PCMCIA controller. The default is 1 (on). irq_list=i,j,... Specifies the set of interrupts that may be allocated by this driver, if they are otherwise available. The default list is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 14. cs_irq=n Sets the interrupt line to use for monitoring card status changes. The default is 0, which means pick any legal interrupt not already in use. Legal values are 14, 10, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3. poll_interval=n Sets the card status polling delay, in 1/100 second increments. If this parameter is set, card status interrupts will be disabled. poll_quick=n When a card status change interrupt is received, the TCIC-2 chip is briefly polled for additional status changes. This parameter sets the polling delay, in 1/100 second increments. The default is 5, meaning 0.05 seconds. cycle_time=n Sets the length of a CCLK external clock cycle, in nanoseconds. The default is 70 ns, corresponding to a standard ISA 14.31818 MHz clock. AUTHOR
David Hinds - SEE ALSO
cardmgr(8), pcmcia(5). pcmcia-cs 2000/06/12 21:24:48 TCIC(4)
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