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ne_buffer_destroy(3) [redhat man page]

NE_BUFFER_DESTROY(3)						neon API reference					      NE_BUFFER_DESTROY(3)

ne_buffer_destroy, ne_buffer_finish - destroy a buffer object SYNOPSIS
#include <ne_string.h> void ne_buffer_destroy (ne_buffer *buf); char *ne_buffer_finish (ne_buffer *buf); DESCRIPTION
ne_buffer_destroy frees all memory associated with the buffer. ne_buffer_finish frees the buffer structure, but not the actual string stored in the buffer, which is returned and must be free()d by the caller. Any use of the buffer object after calling either of these functions gives undefined behaviour. RETURN VALUE
ne_buffer_finish returns the malloc-allocated string stored in the buffer. EXAMPLES
An example use of ne_buffer_finish; the duplicate function returns a string made up of n copies of str: static char *duplicate(int n, const char *str) { ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); while (n--) { ne_buffer_zappend(buf, str); } return ne_buffer_finish(buf); } SEE ALSO
ne_buffer(3), ne_buffer_create(3), ne_buffer_zappend(3) AUTHOR
Joe Orton <>. neon 0.23.5 8 October 2002 NE_BUFFER_DESTROY(3)

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NE_BUFFER_DESTROY(3)						neon API reference					      NE_BUFFER_DESTROY(3)

ne_buffer_destroy, ne_buffer_finish - destroy a buffer object SYNOPSIS
#include <ne_string.h> void ne_buffer_destroy (ne_buffer *buf); char *ne_buffer_finish (ne_buffer *buf); DESCRIPTION
ne_buffer_destroy frees all memory associated with the buffer. ne_buffer_finish frees the buffer structure, but not the actual string stored in the buffer, which is returned and must be free()d by the caller. Any use of the buffer object after calling either of these functions gives undefined behaviour. RETURN VALUE
ne_buffer_finish returns the malloc-allocated string stored in the buffer. EXAMPLES
An example use of ne_buffer_finish; the duplicate function returns a string made up of n copies of str: static char *duplicate(int n, const char *str) { ne_buffer *buf = ne_buffer_create(); while (n--) { ne_buffer_zappend(buf, str); } return ne_buffer_finish(buf); } SEE ALSO
ne_buffer(3), ne_buffer_create(3), ne_buffer_zappend(3) AUTHOR
Joe Orton <>. neon 0.23.5 8 October 2002 NE_BUFFER_DESTROY(3)
Man Page

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