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doctype(1) [plan9 man page]

DOCTYPE(1)						      General Commands Manual							DOCTYPE(1)

doctype - intuit command line for formatting a document SYNOPSIS
doctype [ option ... ] [ file ] ... DESCRIPTION
Doctype examines a troff(1) input file to deduce the appropriate text formatting command and prints it on standard output. Doctype recog- nizes input for troff(1), related preprocessors like eqn(1), and the ms(6) and mm macro packages. Option -n invokes nroff instead of troff. Other options are passed to troff. EXAMPLES
eval `{doctype chapter.?} | lp Typeset files named chapter.0, chapter.1, ... SOURCE
/rc/bin/doctype SEE ALSO
troff(1), eqn(1), tbl(1), pic(1), grap(1), ms(6), man(6) BUGS
In true A.I. style, its best guesses are inspired rather than accurate. DOCTYPE(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

MAN(1)							      General Commands Manual							    MAN(1)

man - print sections of this manual SYNOPSIS
man [ option ... ] [ chapter ] title ... DESCRIPTION
Man locates and prints the section of this manual named title in the specified chapter. (In this context, the word `page' is often used as a synonym for `section'.) The title is entered in lower case. The chapter number does not need a letter suffix. If no chapter is speci- fied, the whole manual is searched for title and all occurrences of it are printed. Options and their meanings are: -t Phototypeset the section using troff(1). -n Print the section on the standard output using nroff(1). -k Display the output on a Tektronix 4014 terminal using troff(1) and tc(1). -e Appended or prefixed to any of the above causes the manual section to be preprocessed by neqn or eqn(1); -e alone means -te. -w Print the path names of the manual sections, but do not print the sections themselves. (default) Copy an already formatted manual section to the terminal, or, if none is available, act as -n. It may be necessary to use a filter to adapt the output to the particular terminal's characteristics. Further options, e.g. to specify the kind of terminal you have, are passed on to troff(1) or nroff. Options and chapter may be changed before each title. For example: man man would reproduce this section, as well as any other sections named man that may exist in other chapters of the manual, e.g. man(7). FILES
/usr/man/man?/* /usr/man/cat?/* SEE ALSO
nroff(1), eqn(1), tc(1), man(7) BUGS
The manual is supposed to be reproducible either on a phototypesetter or on a terminal. However, on a terminal some information is neces- sarily lost. MAN(1)
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