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gupnp_service_proxy_action_set(3) [php man page]


gupnp_service_proxy_action_set - Send action to the service and set value

bool gupnp_service_proxy_action_set (resource $proxy, string $action, string $name, mixed $value, int $type) DESCRIPTION
Send action with parameters to the service exposed by proxy synchronously and set value. PARAMETERS
o $proxy - A service proxy identifier. o $action - An action. o $name - The action name. o $value - The action value. o $type - The type of the action. Type can be one of the following values: o GUPNP_TYPE_BOOLEAN - Type of the variable is boolean. o GUPNP_TYPE_INT - Type of the variable is integer. o GUPNP_TYPE_LONG - Type of the variable is long. o GUPNP_TYPE_DOUBLE - Type of the variable is double. o GUPNP_TYPE_FLOAT - Type of the variable is float. o GUPNP_TYPE_STRING - Type of the variable is string. RETURN VALUES
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. ERRORS
/EXCEPTIONS Issues E_WARNING with either not correctly defined type of the action or unable to send action. SEE ALSO
gupnp_service_proxy_action_get(3), gupnp_service_proxy_send_action(3). PHP Documentation Group GUPNP_SERVICE_PROXY_ACTION_SET(3)

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DtActionLabel(library call)											       DtActionLabel(library call)

DtActionLabel -- get the localizable label string for an action SYNOPSIS
#include <Dt/Action.h> char *DtActionLabel( char *actionName); DESCRIPTION
The DtActionLabel function provides access to the localizable label string associated with an action named actionName. The actionName argu- ment is the name of the action. The localizable label string is the string that all components should display to identify the action. If the action definition does not specify a label string, the action name itself is returned. The label string associated with an action is localizable, but the action name is not. If there are multiple actionName actions, the label string returned is the label associated with the most general action. The most general action is the one with the lowest precedence, as described in dtactionfile(4) (``Action Selection''). RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, the DtActionLabel function returns a newly allocated copy of the localizable label string associated with the action if an action named actionName is found; otherwise, it returns NULL. It is up to the caller to free the memory associated with this new copy of the label. The default value for an action label is the action name itself. APPLICATION USAGE
All applications displaying action names should use the action label to identify an action. SEE ALSO
Dt/Action.h - DtAction(5), dtactionfile(4), dtdtfile(4). DtActionLabel(library call)
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