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reportcrash(8) [osx man page]

ReportCrash(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					    ReportCrash(8)

ReportCrash -- Generates crash reports SYNOPSIS
ReportCrash analyzes crashing processes and saves a crash report to disk. A crash report contains information that can help a developer diagnose the cause of a crash. ReportCrash also records the identity of the crashing process and the location of the saved crash report in the system.log and the ASL log database. ReportCrash is invoked automatically by launchd when a crash is detected. For applications and other processes running in the per-user launchd context, ReportCrash runs as a LaunchAgent and saves crash reports in the user's ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ directory. For daemons, other processes running in the system launchd context and other privileged processes, ReportCrash runs as a LaunchDaemon and saves crash reports in the system's /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports directory where they are only readable by admin users. If there are too many crash reports saved for a particular process, older reports will automatically be removed in order to conserve disk space. launchtl can be used to disable and re-enable crash reporting. To disable crash reporting: launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ To re-enable crash reporting: launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ For application crashes (but not background process crashes) ReportCrash will display a dialog notifying the user that the application unex- pectedly quit and offering to reopen the application or send the report to Apple. For developers, the behavior of this dialog can be adjusted using /Developer/Applications/Utilities/ which is installed as part of the developer tools. Crash reports which are sent to Apple are submitted anonymously by the SubmitDiagInfo process. The reports are used by Apple to improve its products. Users who need support should use or other authorized support channels. Developers who are ADC mem- bers should report bugs using in order to allow for two way communication between Apple and the bug reporter. More information about interpreting the contents of crash reports can be found in Technote 2123: notes/tn2004/tn2123.html SEE ALSO
launchd(8), launchd.plist(8), launchctl(8), spindump(8), SubmitDiagInfo(8) Mac OS June 1, 2019 Mac OS

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apport-cli(1)						      General Commands Manual						     apport-cli(1)

apport-cli - Command line client for reporting problems SYNOPSIS
apport-cli apport-cli -c report apport-cli -f -p package apport-cli -f -P pid DESCRIPTION
apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a problem report in /var/crash/. This is a command line frontend for reporting those crashes to the developers. It can also be used to report bugs about packages or running processes. For desktop systems with a graphical user interface, you should consider installing the GTK or Qt user interface (apport-gtk or apport-qt). apport-cli is mainly intended to be used on servers. When called without any options, it processes the pending crash reports and offers to report them one by one. You can also display the entire report to see what is sent to the software developers. OPTIONS
-c report, --crash-file=report Instead of walking over the new crash reports in /var/crash/, report a particular report in an arbitrary file location. This is useful for copying a crash report to a machine with internet connection and reporting it from there. -f, --file-bug Report a (non-crash) problem. Requires specifying --package or --pid. This will automatically attach information about your operat- ing sytem and the package version etc. to the bug report, so that the developers have some important context. -p package, --package=package When being used in --file-bug mode, specify the package to report the problem against. -P pid, --pid=pid When being used in --file-bug mode, specify the PID (process ID) of a running program to report the problem against. This can be determined with e. g. ps -ux. ENVIRONMENT
APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES Apport refuses to create bug reports if the package or any dependency is not current. If this environment variable is set, this check is waived. Experts who will thoroughly check the situation before filing a bug report can define this in their ~/.bashrc or temporarily when calling the apport frontend (-cli, -gtk, or -qt). AUTHOR
apport and the accompanying tools are developed by Martin Pitt <>. Martin Pitt August 01, 2007 apport-cli(1)
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