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filtercalltree(1) [osx man page]

filtercalltree(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 					 filtercalltree(1)

filtercalltree -- Filter or prune a call tree file generated by sample or malloc_history SYNOPSIS
filtercalltree call-tree-file [-invertCallTree] [-pruneCount count] [-pruneMallocSize size] [-chargeSystemLibraries] [-chargeLibrary libraryName] [-keepBoundaries] DESCRIPTION
filtercalltree reads a file containing a call tree, as generated by the sample(1) or malloc_history(1) commands, and filters or prunes it as specified by the options. OPTIONS
-invertCallTree Print the call tree from hottest to coldest stack frame. -pruneCount count Remove branches of the call tree that have count less than count -pruneMallocSize size Remove branches of the call tree that have malloc size less than size, such as 500K or 1.2M. -chargeSystemLibraries Remove stack frames from all libraries in /System and /usr, while still charging their cost to the caller. -chargeLibrary library-name Remove stack frames from library-name, while still charging their cost to the caller. This argument can be repeated for multiple libraries. -keepBoundaries When charging libraries to callers, keep the top call into excluded libraries. SEE ALSO
malloc_history(1), sample(1) BSD
May 7, 2011 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

filtercalltree(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 					 filtercalltree(1)

filtercalltree -- Filter or prune a call tree file generated by sample or malloc_history SYNOPSIS
filtercalltree call-tree-file [-invertCallTree] [-pruneCount count] [-pruneMallocSize size] [-chargeSystemLibraries] [-chargeLibrary libraryName] [-keepBoundaries] DESCRIPTION
filtercalltree reads a file containing a call tree, as generated by the sample(1) or malloc_history(1) commands, and filters or prunes it as specified by the options. OPTIONS
-invertCallTree Print the call tree from hottest to coldest stack frame. -pruneCount count Remove branches of the call tree that have count less than count -pruneMallocSize size Remove branches of the call tree that have malloc size less than size, such as 500K or 1.2M. -chargeSystemLibraries Remove stack frames from all libraries in /System and /usr, while still charging their cost to the caller. -chargeLibrary library-name Remove stack frames from library-name, while still charging their cost to the caller. This argument can be repeated for multiple libraries. -keepBoundaries When charging libraries to callers, keep the top call into excluded libraries. SEE ALSO
malloc_history(1), sample(1) BSD
May 7, 2011 BSD
Man Page

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