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xcmsconvertcolors(3x11) [osf1 man page]

XcmsConvertColors(3X11) 												   XcmsConvertColors(3X11)

XcmsConvertColors - convert CCC color specifications SYNOPSIS
Status XcmsConvertColors(ccc, colors_in_out, ncolors, target_format, compression_flags_return) XcmsCCC ccc; XcmsColor colors_in_out[]; unsigned int ncolors; XcmsColorFormat target_format; Bool compression_flags_return[]; ARGUMENTS
Specifies the CCC. If Conversion is between device-independent color spaces only (for example, TekHVC to CIELuv), the CCC is necessary only to specify the Client White Point. Specifies an array of color specifications. Pixel members are ignored and remain unchanged upon return. Returns an array of Boolean values indicating compression status. If a non-NULL pointer is supplied, each element of the array is set to True if the corresponding color was compressed and False otherwise. Pass NULL if the compression status is not useful. Specifies the num- ber of XcmsColor structures in the color-specification array. Specifies the target color specification format. DESCRIPTION
The XcmsConvertColors function converts the color specifications in the specified array of XcmsColor structures from their current format to a single target format, using the specified CCC. When the return value is XcmsFailure, the contents of the color specification array are left unchanged. The array may contain a mixture of color specification formats (for example, 3 CIE XYZ, 2 CIE Luv, and so on). When the array contains both device-independent and device-dependent color specifications and the target_format argument specifies a device-dependent format (for exam- ple, XcmsRGBiFormat, XcmsRGBFormat), all specifications are converted to CIE XYZ format and then to the target device-dependent format. SEE ALSO
DisplayOfCCC(3X11), XcmsCCCOfColormap(3X11), XcmsCreateCCC(3X11), XcmsDefaultCCC(3X11), XcmsSetWhitePoint(3X11) Xlib -- C Language X Interface XcmsConvertColors(3X11)

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XcmsConvertColors()													       XcmsConvertColors()

  XcmsConvertColors - convert color specifications in XcmsColor structures to another color space specific encoding.

  Status XcmsConvertColors(ccc, colors_in_out, ncolors, target_format,
	XcmsCCC ccc;
	XcmsColor colors_in_out[];
	unsigned int ncolors;
	XcmsColorFormat target_format;
	Bool compression_flags_return[];

  ccc	     Specifies	the  color conversion context.	If conversion is between device-independent color spaces only (for example, TekHVC to
	     CIELuv), the CCC is necessary only to specify the Client White Point.

	     Specifies an array of color specifications.  Pixel members are ignored and remain unchanged upon return.

  ncolors    Specifies the number of XcmsColor structures in the color specification array.

	     Specifies the target color specification format.

	     Specifies an array of ncolors Boolean values for returning compression status of each color conversion.  If a  non-NULL  pointer
	     is  supplied,  each  element  in  the  array is set to True if the corresponding color in the color specification array was com-
	     pressed, and False otherwise.  Pass NULL if the compression status is not useful.

  Zero on failure, non-zero on success.

  Release 5 and later.

  The XcmsConvertColors() function converts the color specifications in the specified array of XcmsColor structures from their current format
  (which  may  vary  from element to element of the array) to a single target format using the specified CCC.  If all the conversions succeed
  without gamut compression, XcmsConvertColors() returns XcmsSuccess.  If one or more of the  conversions  required  gamut  compression,  the
  function  returns  XcmsSuccessWithCompression, and sets the appropriate flags in compression_flags_return array.  If any of the conversions
  fail, the function returns XcmsFailure and the contents of the color specification array are left unchanged.

  The XcmsColor and XcmsColorFormat structures are shown on the XcmsColor reference page.

See Also
  XcmsCCCOfColormap(), XcmsCreateCCC(), XcmsClientWhitePointOfCCC(), XcmsDefaultCCC(), XcmsScreenWhitePointOfCCC(), XcmsSetCompressionProc(),
  XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc(), XcmsSetWhitePoint().

Xlib - Device-independent Color 											       XcmsConvertColors()
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