VREF(9) BSD Kernel Developer's Manual VREF(9)NAME
vref -- increment the use count for a vnode
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
vref(struct vnode *vp);
Increment the v_usecount field of a vnode.
vp the vnode to increment
Each vnode maintains a reference count of how many parts of the system are using the vnode. This allows the system to detect when a vnode is
no longer being used and can be safely recycled for a different file.
Any code in the system which is using a vnode (e.g. during the operation of some algorithm or to store in a data structure) should call
SEE ALSO vget(9), vnode(9), vput(9), vrefcnt(9), vrele(9)AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Doug Rabson.
BSD July 24, 1996 BSD
Check Out this Related Man Page
VRELE(9) BSD Kernel Developer's Manual VRELE(9)NAME
vput, vrele, vunref -- decrement the use count for a vnode
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
vput(struct vnode *vp);
vrele(struct vnode *vp);
vunref(struct vnode *vp);
Decrement the v_usecount field of a vnode.
vp the vnode to decrement
The vrele() function takes an unlocked vnode and returns with the vnode unlocked.
The vput() function should be given a locked vnode as argument, the vnode is unlocked after the function returned. The vput() is opera-
tionally equivalent to calling VOP_UNLOCK(9) followed by vrele(9), with less overhead.
The vunref() function takes a locked vnode as argument, and returns with the vnode locked.
Any code in the system which signified its use of a vnode by usecount should call one of the listed function to decrement use counter. If
the v_usecount field of the non-doomed vnode reaches zero, then it will be inactivated and placed on the free list. Since the functions
might need to call VOPs for the vnode, the Giant mutex should be conditionally locked around the call.
The hold count for the vnode is always greater or equal to the usecount. Non-forced unmount fails when mount point owns a vnode that has
non-zero usecount, see vflush(9).
SEE ALSO vget(9), vnode(9), vref(9), vrefcnt(9)AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Doug Rabson and
Konstantin Belousov.
BSD November 20, 2010 BSD
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Begining of file
my name some dfgfgfk jdksjdkls laladsl sdlsdls
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fiusdcanlt_fmrbgmusd1_run 07/23/2012 20:11:18 07/23/2012 20:12:20 SU 10861341/1
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#include "windows.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
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SV* sva;
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Kindly remove the following from the post . These are confidential info posted by mistake and there is escalation on our company side .
Kindly help.
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