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vgmerge(8) [opensolaris man page]

VGMERGE(8)                                                    System Manager's Manual                                                   VGMERGE(8)

vgmerge - merge two volume groups SYNOPSIS
vgmerge [-A|--autobackup y|n] [-d|--debug] [-h|-?|--help] [-l|--list] [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] DestinationVolumeGroupName SourceVol- umeGroupName DESCRIPTION
vgmerge merges two existing volume groups. The inactive SourceVolumeGroupName will be merged into the DestinationVolumeGroupName if physi- cal extent sizes are equal and physical and logical volume summaries of both volume groups fit into DestinationVolumeGroupName's limits. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. -l, --list Display merged DestinationVolumeGroupName like "vgdisplay -v". -t, --test Do a test run WITHOUT making any real changes. Examples "vgmerge -v databases my_vg" merges the inactive volume group named "my_vg" into the active or inactive volume group named "databases" giv- ing verbose runtime information. SEE ALSO
lvm(8), vgcreate(8), vgextend(8), vgreduce(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) VGMERGE(8)

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VGMERGE(8)						      System Manager's Manual							VGMERGE(8)

vgmerge - merge two volume groups SYNOPSIS
vgmerge [-A|--autobackup y|n] [-d|--debug] [-h|-?|--help] [-l|--list] [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] DestinationVolumeGroupName SourceVol- umeGroupName DESCRIPTION
vgmerge merges two existing volume groups. The inactive SourceVolumeGroupName will be merged into the DestinationVolumeGroupName if physi- cal extent sizes are equal and physical and logical volume summaries of both volume groups fit into DestinationVolumeGroupName's limits. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. -l, --list Display merged DestinationVolumeGroupName like "vgdisplay -v". -t, --test Do a test run WITHOUT making any real changes. Examples "vgmerge -v databases my_vg" merges the inactive volume group named "my_vg" into the active or inactive volume group named "databases" giv- ing verbose runtime information. SEE ALSO
lvm(8), vgcreate(8), vgextend(8), vgreduce(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) VGMERGE(8)
Man Page

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