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plot(4b) [opensolaris man page]

plot(4B)					   SunOS/BSD Compatibility Package File Formats 					  plot(4B)

plot - graphics interface DESCRIPTION
Files of this format are interpreted for various devices by commands described in plot(1B). A graphics file is a stream of plotting instructions. Each instruction consists of an ASCII letter usually followed by bytes of binary information. The instructions are executed in order. A point is designated by four bytes representing the x and y values; each value is a signed integer. The last designated point in an l, m, n, or p instruction becomes the ``current point'' for the next instruction. m Move: the next four bytes give a new current point. n Cont: draw a line from the current point to the point given by the next four bytes. See plot(1B). p Point: plot the point given by the next four bytes. l Line: draw a line from the point given by the next four bytes to the point given by the following four bytes. t Label: place the following ASCII string so that its first character falls on the current point. The string is terminated by a NEW- LINE. a Arc: the first four bytes give the center, the next four give the starting point, and the last four give the end point of a circular arc. The least significant coordinate of the end point is used only to determine the quadrant. The arc is drawn counter-clockwise. c Circle: the first four bytes give the center of the circle, the next two the radius. e Erase: start another frame of output. f Linemod: take the following string, up to a NEWLINE, as the style for drawing further lines. The styles are ``dotted,'' ``solid,'' ``longdashed,'' ``shortdashed,'' and ``dotdashed.'' Effective only in plot 4014 and plot ver. s Space: the next four bytes give the lower left corner of the plotting area; the following four give the upper right corner. The plot will be magnified or reduced to fit the device as closely as possible. Space settings that exactly fill the plotting area with unity scaling appear below for devices supported by the filters of plot(1B). The upper limit is just outside the plotting area. In every case the plotting area is taken to be square; points outside may be displayable on devices whose face is not square. 4014 space(0, 0, 3120, 3120); ver space(0, 0, 2048, 2048); 300, 300s space(0, 0, 4096, 4096); 450 space(0, 0, 4096, 4096); SEE ALSO
graph(1), plot(1B) SunOS 5.11 18 Feb 2003 plot(4B)

Check Out this Related Man Page

plot(5) 							File Formats Manual							   plot(5)

       plot - graphics interface

       Files in this format are produced by the routines described in and are interpreted for various devices by commands described in

       A  graphics  file  is a stream of plotting instructions.  Each instruction consists of an ASCII letter, usually followed by bytes of binary
       information, executed in order.	A point is designated by 4 bytes representing the x and y values and each value is a signed integer.   The
       last designated point in an or instruction becomes the current point for the next instruction.

       In the following descriptions, the name of the corresponding routine in is enclosed in parenthesis:

	  a (arc)     The  first  4 bytes are the center, the next 4 provide the starting point, and the last 4 bytes designate the end point of a
		      circular arc.  The least significant coordinate of the end point is used only to determine the quadrant.	The arc  is  drawn

	  c (circle)  The first 4 bytes provide the center of the circle and the next 2 bytes designate the radius.

	  e (erase)   Start another frame of output.

	  f (linemod) Take  the  following  string, up to a new line, as the style for drawing further lines.  The styles are dotted, solid, long-
		      dashed, shortdashed, and dotdashed.  This is only effective in the following plots: 4014, ver, lvp16, and hp7475a.

	  l (line)    Draw a line from the point designated by the next 4 bytes to the point provided by the following 4 bytes.

	  m (move)    The next 4 bytes provide a new current point.

	  n (cont)    Draw a line from the current point to the point designated by the next 4 bytes. For further information, see

	  p (point)   Plot the point provided by the next 4 bytes.

	  s (space)   The next 4 bytes give the lower left corner of the plotting area.  The following 4 bytes give the upper right  corner.   The
		      plot is magnified or reduced to fit the device as closely as possible.

		      Space  settings  that  fill the plotting area with unity scaling are listed below for devices supported by the filters of In
		      each of the following cases, the plotting area is assumed square; points outside the square can be displayed on devices that
		      have areas which are not square:

			 4014	   space(0, 0, 3120, 3120);
			 ver	   space(0, 0, 2048, 2048);
			 300, 300s space(0, 0, 4096, 4096);
			 450	   space(0, 0, 4096, 4096);
			 aed	   space(0, 0, 511, 482)
			 bitgraph  space(0, 0, 768, 1024)
			 dumb	   space(0, 0, 132, 90)
			 gigi	   space(0, 0, 767, 479)
			 grn	   space(0, 0, 512, 512)
			 hp7221    space(0, 0, 1800, 1800)
			 lvp16	   space(0, 0, 10365, 7962)  (Paper Size: MET A)
				   space(0, 0, 16640, 10365) (Paper Size: MET B)
				   space(0, 0, 11040, 7721)  (Paper Size: US A4)
				   space(0, 0, 16150, 11040) (Paper Size: US A3)
				   space(0, 0, 7721, 7721)   (Default)
			 hp7475a   Same as for lvp16.

	  t (label)   Place  the first character of the following ASCII string on the current point.  This string is terminated by a newline char-

See Also
       graph(1g), plot(1g), plot(3x)

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