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sock2path(4) [opensolaris man page]

sock2path(4)							   File Formats 						      sock2path(4)

sock2path - socket mapping file that maps sockets to transport providers SYNOPSIS
/etc/sock2path DESCRIPTION
The socket mapping file, /etc/sock2path, is a system file that contains the mappings between the socket(3SOCKET) call parameters and the transport provider driver. Its format is described on the soconfig(1M) manual page. The init(1M) utility uses the soconfig utility with the sock2path file during the boot sequence. EXAMPLES
Example 1 An Example of the sock2path File The following is an example of a sock2path file: # Family Type Protocol Module | Path 2 2 0 tcp 2 2 6 tcp 26 2 0 tcp 26 2 6 tcp 2 1 0 udp 2 1 17 udp 26 1 0 udp 26 1 17 udp 1 2 0 /dev/ticotsord 1 6 0 /dev/ticotsord 1 1 0 /dev/ticlts 2 4 0 icmp 26 4 0 icmp 24 4 0 rts 27 4 2 /dev/keysock SEE ALSO
init(1M), soconfig(1M), socket(3SOCKET) SunOS 5.11 4 Nov 2008 sock2path(4)

Check Out this Related Man Page

services(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual						       services(4)

services - Defines the sockets and protocols used for Internet services SYNOPSIS
/etc/services DESCRIPTION
The /etc/services file associates Internet service names and aliases with the port number and protocol used by the service. Each service is listed in this file on a single line of the form: ServiceName PortNumber/ProtocolName Aliases The fields contain the following information: The official Internet service name. The socket port number used for the service and the transport protocol used for the service. A list of unofficial service names. Items on a line are separated by spaces or tabs. Comments begin with a # (number sign) and continue to the end of the line. EXAMPLES
Entries in the /etc/services file for the inetd internal services might look like this: echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp chargen 19/tcp ttytst source chargen 19/tcp ttytst source ftp 21/tcp time 37/tcp timeserver time 37/udp timeserver RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: endservent(3), getservbyname(3), getservbyport(3), getservent(3), setservent(3) The RFC923 specification. delim off services(4)
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