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phones(4) [opensolaris man page]

phones(4)							   File Formats 							 phones(4)

phones - remote host phone number database SYNOPSIS
/etc/phones DESCRIPTION
The file /etc/phones contains the system-wide private phone numbers for the tip(1) program. /etc/phones is normally unreadable, and so may contain privileged information. The format of /etc/phones is a series of lines of the form: <system-name>[ ]*<phone-number>. The system name is one of those defined in the remote(4) file and the phone number is constructed from [0123456789-=*%]. The `=' and `*' characters are indicators to the auto call units to pause and wait for a second dial tone (when going through an exchange). The `=' is required by the DF02-AC and the `*' is required by the BIZCOMP 1030. Comment lines are lines containing a `#' sign in the first column of the line. Only one phone number per line is permitted. However, if more than one line in the file contains the same system name tip(1) will attempt to dial each one in turn, until it establishes a connection. FILES
/etc/phones SEE ALSO
tip(1), remote(4) SunOS 5.11 14 Jan 1992 phones(4)

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phones(4)                                                          File Formats                                                          phones(4)

phones - remote host phone number database SYNOPSIS
/etc/phones DESCRIPTION
The file /etc/phones contains the system-wide private phone numbers for the tip(1) program. /etc/phones is normally unreadable, and so may contain privileged information. The format of /etc/phones is a series of lines of the form: <system-name>[ ]*<phone-number>. The system name is one of those defined in the remote(4) file and the phone number is constructed from [0123456789-=*%]. The `=' and `*' characters are indicators to the auto call units to pause and wait for a second dial tone (when going through an exchange). The `=' is required by the DF02-AC and the `*' is required by the BIZCOMP 1030. Comment lines are lines containing a `#' sign in the first column of the line. Only one phone number per line is permitted. However, if more than one line in the file contains the same system name tip(1) will attempt to dial each one in turn, until it establishes a connection. FILES
/etc/phones SEE ALSO
tip(1), remote(4) SunOS 5.10 14 Jan 1992 phones(4)
Man Page

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