smccompile(1M) System Administration Commands smccompile(1M)
smccompile - build class list and compile Solaris Management Console service beans for remote use
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -c beanname
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j tool | service [-n altjarname] jarfile
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j library [-n altjarname] ALLTOOL | ALLSERVICE | ALL | attachedBeanname jarfile
The smccompile command is used by developers of tools, services, and libraries for the Solaris Management Console. For information regard-
ing the Solaris Management Console, see smc(1M).
smccompile compiles service class files given by the bean name for use with the Solaris Management Console. This step builds the extra
proxy and stub classes for services to be used with Solaris Management Console tools. Solaris Management Console requires running smccom-
pile -c before creating service jar files, and smccompile -j after creating tool, service, and library jars.
smccompile, in conjunction with smcregister(1M), is intended to replace the smcconf command as the preferred interface for managing the
Solaris Management Console repository as well as toolboxes from within scripts, due to significant performance enhancements over smcconf.
The following options are supported:
ALL Specify that the library being registered to or unregistered from the repository is for use by all tools and services.
ALLSERVICE Specify that the library being registered to or unregistered from the repository is for use by all services.
ALLTOOL Specify that the library being registered to or unregistered from the repository is for use by all tools.
attachedBeaname Specify the name of a registered jar to which the library jarfile should be attached to (or detached from). This is typi-
cally the same as altjarname (if provided) or jarfile used to register the jar to which this library is being attached or
detached. An attached library means the library is only available for use by the tool or service to which it is being
beanname The full package path of the bean name to be compiled. An example bean name is: com.mycompany.myproduct.MyService.
-c Compile and build service class files for the specified bean name. This step builds the extra proxy and stub classes for
services to be used with Solaris Management Console tools. You must run smccompile with this option before creating service
type jar files.
-j Build a list of classes in text format, suitable as input to smcregister for registration with the Solaris Management Con-
sole repository. The output is written to standard out and should be redirected to a file. You must run smccompile with
this option after creating any tool, service, or library jar.
jarfile Specify the full path to the jar file to be registered. The name must be in the form beanname.jar, where beanname is the
package path to the bean. If it is not, an alternate name must be given in that form using the -n option.
-n altjarname Rename the jarfile in the repository to altjarname. Typically. this is the full bean name. For example, if the jarfile was
MyTool.jar, then altjarname might be com.mycompany.myproduct.MyTool.jar. It is recommended that an altjarname containing
the full package path be used. You must use this same name when registering the jar with smcregister.
Example 1: Compiling a Service
The following command takes a Solaris Management Console service and builds its proxy and stub classes to make the service usable by
Solaris Management Console tools:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -c com.mycompany.myproject.MyServiceImpl
Example 2: Building a Class List for a Service
The following command builds the class list file (classlist.txt) for a service suitable for use with the smcregister(1M) command:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j service
-n com.mycompany.myproject.MyServiceImpl.jar
${HOME}/workarea/MyServiceImpl.jar > classlist.txt
The following command does the same thing without specifying an alternate name:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j service
${HOME}/workarea/com.mycompany.myproject.MyServiceImpl.jar > classlist.txt
Example 3: Building a Class List for a Tool
The following command builds the class list file (classlist.txt) for a tool suitable for use with the smcregister(1M) command:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j tool
-n com.mycompany.myproject.MyTool.jar
${HOME}/workarea/MyTool.jar > classlist.txt
The following command does the same thing without specifying an alternate name:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j tool
${HOME}/workarea/com.mycompany.myproject.MyTool.jar > classlist.txt
Example 4: Building a Class List for a Library Attached to All Tools
The following command builds the class list file (classlist.txt) for a library suitable for use with the smcregister(1M) command, and is
attached to all tools:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j library
-n com.mycompany.myproject.MyLibrary.jar
ALLTOOL ${HOME}/workarea/MyLibrary.jar > classlist.txt
The following command does the same thing without specifying an alternate name:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j library
${HOME}/workarea/com.mycompany.myproject.MyLibrary.jar > classlist.txt
Example 5: Building a Class List for a Library Attached to a Specific Tool
The following command builds the class list file (classlist.txt) for a library suitable for use with the smcregister(1M) command, and is
attached to a specific tool:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j library
-n com.mycompany.myproject.MyLibrary.jar
${HOME}/workarea/MyLibrary.jar > classlist.txt
The following command does the same thing without specifying an alternate name:
/usr/sadm/bin/smccompile -j library
${HOME}/workarea/com.mycompany.myproject.MyLibrary.jar > classlist.txt
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of smccompile:
If you do not specify this environment variable, your PATH is searched for a suitable java. Otherwise, the /usr/j2se location is used.
The following exit values are returned:
0 Successful completion.
1 An error occurred.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWMc |
smc(1M), smcconf(1M), smcregister(1M), attributes(5), environ(5)
All standard shell quoting rules apply.
SunOS 5.10 17 Jul 2001 smccompile(1M)