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ndmpd(1m) [opensolaris man page]

ndmpd(1M)						  System Administration Commands						 ndmpd(1M)

ndmpd - Network Data Management Protocol daemon SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/ndmpd [-d] DESCRIPTION
The ndmpd daemon handles client Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) requests. NDMP is an open, enterprise-wide, network-based data man- agement protocol used for backup and recovery. The ndmpd daemon enables users to manage data backup and recovery using Data Management Application (DMA) clients. The NDMP protocol is used to coordinate data movement and control between a DMA and an NDMP server or between two NDMP servers. By default, ndmpd is disabled. OPTIONS
The following option is supported: -d Debugging mode; log file will be created. EXIT STATUS
0 Successful completion. 1 An error occurred that prevented the ndmpd daemon from initializing, such as failure to fork a process, mutex initialization. 2 Invalid command-line options were specified. FILES
/usr/lib/ndmp/ndmpd Network data management protocol server binary. /var/ndmp/ndmp.log Network data management protocol log messages file. This file is deleted upon reboot. /var/ndmp/dumpdates A text file that stores information about the date and the level of dump backups. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWndmpu, SUNWndmpr | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Committed | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
svcs(1), ndmpadm(1M), svcadm(1M), svccfg(1M), syslogd(1M), attributes(5), smf(5) NOTES
The ndmpd daemon is managed by the service management facility (smf(5)), under the service identifier: svc:/system/ndmpd:default Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or requesting restart, can be performed using svcadm(1M). The ser- vice's status can be queried using the svcs(1) command. SunOS 5.11 29 Nov 2007 ndmpd(1M)

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ndmpadm(1M)						  System Administration Commands					       ndmpadm(1M)

ndmpadm - administer Network Data Management Protocol activities SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/ndmpadm [-? ] subcommand [options] [direct-object] DESCRIPTION
The ndmpadm command can be used to query the ndmpd(1M) daemon to get the status of active sessions, terminate a session, query backup devices, and set or get the current NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) service variables and properties. ndmpadm is implemented as a set of subcommands, many with their own direct object, which are described in the section for a given subcommand. Certain subcommands sup- port options, which are described along with the subcommand. The ndmpadm command supports the following subcommands: get Get the value of an NDMP configuration property. kill-sessions Terminate an active session. set Set the value of an NDMP configuration property. show-devices Get a list of tape devices connected to the server. show-sessions Display the details of active NDMP sessions. OPTIONS
The following option is supported: -? Display a list of all subcommands and options. SUB-COMMANDS The ndmpadm command supports the subcommands described below. get Subcommand The syntax for the get subcommand is: # ndmpadm get [-p] [property] [[-p] property=value]... The property names are the same as used for the set subcommand and are described below. If you do not specify a property, the get subcom- mand returns all configuration properties. kill-sessions Subcommand The kill-sessions subcommand allows you to terminate the session number ID. The syntax for the kill-sessions subcommand is: # ndmpadm kill-sessions ID set Subcommand The syntax for the set subcommand is: # ndmpadm set [-p] property=value [[-p] property=value]... The properties you can set with the set subcommand are as follows: backup-quarantine Backup the files marked as quarantined by AV. Acceptable values are yes or no. The default is no. dar-support Set the Direct Access Recovery mode. Acceptable values are yes or no. The default is no. debug-level Set the debug level. The debug-level can be set to either 0 (off) or 1 (on). The default is 0. debug-path The path to which to save the debug log. The default is /var/ndmp. dump-pathnode Enable or disable backing up the directories containing modified files or directories indump(1) backup format. Acceptable values are yes or no. The default is no. ignore-ctime Determines whether the change timestamp (ctime) of files and directories is used to determine whether a file should be backed up in level backup. If this parameter is set to yes, only the modification time (mtime) of the file or directory determines whether it should be backed up. Acceptable values are yes or no. The default value is no. overwrite-quarantine Restore quarantined files on top of current files if they already exist. Acceptable values are yes or no. The default value is no. restore-quarantine Restore the files that had been marked as quarantined by AV and are backed up. Acceptable values are yes or no. The default value is no. tar-pathnode Enable or disable backing up the directories containing modified files or directories in tar(1) backup format. Acceptable values are yes or no. The default value is no. token-maxseq Set the maximum sequence number for subsequent token-based incremental backup in NDMP-V4. The default value is 9. There are two limits for this value: soft-limit, which is 59, and hard-limit, equal to 64. If the token sequence number, passed by the DMA, is between the soft and hard limits, a warning message is issued to the DMA. The token sequence number can never exceed the hard-limit value. version Set the maximum active NDMP protocol version. Valid values are currently 2, 3, and 4. The default is 4. show-devices Subcommand The syntax for the show-devices subcommand is: # ndmpadm show-devices This subcommand lists the name, vendor, serial number, and other information about the current tape drive and libraries connected to the system. show-sessions Subcommand The show-sessions subcommand displays details of a session. The syntax for the show-sessions subcommand is: # ndmpadm show-sessions [-i tape,scsi,data,mover] [ID] The show-sessions subcommand supports the following arguments: -i tape,scsi,data,mover Identify a type of interface about which to obtain data. If no interface is specified, show-sessions displays information for all types of interfaces. ID Identifies a particular session about which to display data. If no ID is specified, show-sessions displays data for all sessions. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Obtaining the Status of All NDMP Connections The following command obtains status on all connections. # ndmpadm show-devices Example 2 Obtaining the Status of Certain Types of Connections The following command obtains status on tape and SCSI interfaces. # ndmpadm show-sessions -i scsi,tape Example 3 Limiting Protocol Version The following command limits the use of the NDMP protocol to version 3. # ndmpadm set -p version=3 Example 4 Turning on Debugging The following command enables debugging. It also sets the NDMP protocol to version 3. # ndmpadm set -p debug-level=1 -p version=3 Example 5 Obtaining Current Version Number The following command obtains the version number of the currently running NDMP. # ndmpadm get -p version Example 6 Disconnecting a Specific Session The command shown below disconnects session 5. The session number was previously obtained from an ndmpadm show-sessions command. # ndmpadm kill-session 5 Example 7 Obtaining the Values for All NDMP Properties The following command obtains the values for all NDMP properties. # ndmpadm get EXIT STATUS
0 Successful completion. 1 An error occurred, such as the ndmpd daemon is not running, that prevented ndmpadm from contacting the demon. 2 Invalid command-line options were specified. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWndmpu, SUNWndmpr | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Committed | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
dump(1), tar(1), ndmpd(1M), ndmpstat(1M), svccfg(1M), syslogd(1M), attributes(5), smf(5) NOTES
The ndmpd(1M) daemon is managed by the service management facility (smf(5)), under the service identifier: svc:/system/ndmpd Administrative actions on this service, such as setting and getting a property can be alternatively performed using svccfg(1M). For example to enable Direct Access Recovery (DAR) mode: # svccfg -s svc:/system/ndmpd svc:/system/ndmpd> setprop ndmpd/dar-support = yes ...and to get the list of properties: # svccfg -s svc:/system/ndmpd svc:/system/ndmpd> listprop SunOS 5.11 30 Jul 2007 ndmpadm(1M)
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