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destroy(1t) [opensolaris man page]

destroy(1T)						       Tk Built-In Commands						       destroy(1T)


destroy - Destroy one or more windows SYNOPSIS
destroy ?window window ...? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This command deletes the windows given by the window arguments, plus all of their descendants. If a window ``.'' is deleted then the | entire application will be destroyed. The windows are destroyed in order, and if an error occurs in destroying a window the command aborts | without destroying the remaining windows. No error is returned if window does not exist. EXAMPLE
Destroy all checkbuttons that are direct children of the given widget: proc killCheckbuttonChildren {parent} { foreach w [winfo children $parent] { if {[winfo class $w] eq "Checkbutton"} { destroy $w } } } KEYWORDS
application, destroy, window ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+-----------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+-----------------+ |Availability | SUNWTk | +--------------------+-----------------+ |Interface Stability | Uncommitted | +--------------------+-----------------+ NOTES
Source for Tk is available on Tk destroy(1T)

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bindtags(1T)						       Tk Built-In Commands						      bindtags(1T)


bindtags - Determine which bindings apply to a window, and order of evaluation SYNOPSIS
bindtags window ?tagList? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
When a binding is created with the bind command, it is associated either with a particular window such as .a.b.c, a class name such as But- ton, the keyword all, or any other string. All of these forms are called binding tags. Each window contains a list of binding tags that determine how events are processed for the window. When an event occurs in a window, it is applied to each of the window's tags in order: for each tag, the most specific binding that matches the given tag and event is executed. See the bind command for more information on the matching process. By default, each window has four binding tags consisting of the name of the window, the window's class name, the name of the window's near- est toplevel ancestor, and all, in that order. Toplevel windows have only three tags by default, since the toplevel name is the same as that of the window. The bindtags command allows the binding tags for a window to be read and modified. If bindtags is invoked with only one argument, then the current set of binding tags for window is returned as a list. If the tagList argu- ment is specified to bindtags, then it must be a proper list; the tags for window are changed to the elements of the list. The elements of tagList may be arbitrary strings; however, any tag starting with a dot is treated as the name of a window; if no window by that name exists at the time an event is processed, then the tag is ignored for that event. The order of the elements in tagList determines the order in which binding scripts are executed in response to events. For example, the command bindtags .b {all . Button .b} reverses the order in which binding scripts will be evaluated for a button named .b so that all bindings are invoked first, following by bindings for .b's toplevel (``.''), followed by class bindings, followed by bindings for .b. If tagList is an empty list then the binding tags for window are returned to the default state described above. The bindtags command may be used to introduce arbitrary additional binding tags for a window, or to remove standard tags. For example, the command bindtags .b {.b TrickyButton . all} replaces the Button tag for .b with TrickyButton. This means that the default widget bindings for buttons, which are associated with the Button tag, will no longer apply to .b, but any bindings associated with TrickyButton (perhaps some new button behavior) will apply. EXAMPLE
If you have a set of nested frame widgets and you want events sent to a button widget to also be delivered to all the widgets up to the current toplevel (in contrast to Tk's default behavior, where events are not delivered to those intermediate windows) to make it easier to have accelerators that are only active for part of a window, you could use a helper procedure like this to help set things up: proc setupBindtagsForTreeDelivery {widget} { set tags [list $widget [winfo class $widget]] set w $widget set t [winfo toplevel $w] while {$w ne $t} { set w [winfo parent $w] lappend tags $w } lappend tags all bindtags $widget $tags } SEE ALSO
binding, event, tag ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+-----------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+-----------------+ |Availability | SUNWTk | +--------------------+-----------------+ |Interface Stability | Uncommitted | +--------------------+-----------------+ NOTES
Source for Tk is available on Tk 4.0 bindtags(1T)
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